Whisker, Dan (Author)
This piece adopts a genealogical approach to the emergence of neo-Shamanism as a spiritual practice. It argues that the work of Freud and Durkheim collapsed the dichotomy between primitive and civilized which characterized nineteenth-century evolutionist anthropology. Neither Freud nor Durkheim embraced the consequences of this collapse, and while Bataille attempted to do so, his application of Shamanism to modern self-governance was constrained by the terms of the Freudian/Durkheimian framework. Jung did embrace this collapse, positing a universal equivalence between religious forms and psychological processes, and this epistemic shift permitted his interlocutors, Levi-Strauss and Eliade, to inaugurate the discursive frameworks which made neo-Shamanism thinkable as an ethical practice for contemporary Westerners. Analyses which suggest that neo-Shamanisms are rediscoveries of a primal spirituality write from within this framework, neglecting the contingency of historical change, the creativity of anthropological appropriations and the politics of knowledge.
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Freud, Jung and Boas: The Psychoanalytic Engagement with Anthropology Revisited
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Essay Review
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Each Mind a Kingdom: American Women, Sexual Purity and the New Thought Movement, 1875--1920
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Berke, Joseph H.;
Freud's Meeting with Rabbi Alexandre Safran
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The influence of Jung on the work of Claude Lévi-Strauss
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The paradox of spirit and instinct: A comparative examination of the psychologies of C. G. Jung and Sigmund Freud
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Psychology of the unconscious: Mesmer, Janet, Freud, Jung, and current issues
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