Article ID: CBB001212824

Not Only Forgotten but Never Known: The Life and Contributions of Jiří Langer (2013)


Schulman, Martin A. (Author)

Psychoanalysis and History
Volume: 15, no. 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 191-206
Publication date: 2013
Language: English

Jirí Langer was one of the first contributors to a psychoanalytic understanding of Jewish rituals and Jewish mysticism through his book The Eroticism of Kabbalah and two articles published in Imago in the 1920s and 1930s. He also was a practising Chassidic Jew, the only one to publish in an analytic journal until the late twentieth century. This article deals with his transition from an assimilated Prague family to a Belzer Chassid, his interpretation of Jewish symbols through a Freudian lens as well as his friendship with Kafka. The article also tries to understand the appeal of Chassidism as an outlet for his homosexual desires and as a regulator of his self-esteem. Langer's life, although short, was a fascinating journey of self-discovery and an attempt to synthesize Jewish mysticism, cultural anthropology and Freudian theory.

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Authors & Contributors
Barone, Robert W.
Bergmans, Luc
Bowman, Gary E.
Clair, Jean
De Boer, Jan-Hendryk
Dixon, Joy
Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Aleph: Historical Studies in Science and Judaism
Archivio di Filosofia
Gender and History
Historische Zeitschrift
History of Psychology
Edwin Mellen Press
Herder and Herder
Jason Aronson
Science and religion
Jewish civilization and culture
Dee, John
Berkeley, George
Blavatsky, Helene Petrovna
Brouwer, Luitzen E. J.
Cantor, Georg Ferdinand Ludwig
Cusanus, Nicolaus
Time Periods
20th century, early
16th century
19th century
Early modern
15th century
Great Britain
United States
Theosophical Society

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