Article ID: CBB001212671

Depictions of Brazilians on French Maps, 1542--1555 (2012)


Davies, Surekha (Author)

Historical Journal
Volume: 55, no. 2
Issue: 2
Pages: 317-348
Publication date: 2012
Language: English

This article explores the impulse behind the outpouring of extraordinarily ornate maps representing the inhabitants of Brazil that emanated from Normandy in the mid-sixteenth century. It aims to understand the reasons behind the iconography of Brazil, a region of particular commercial interest for the French. Whereas maps produced elsewhere in this period emphasize the presence of fierce cannibals in Brazil, Norman examples highlight peaceful relations, particularly the dyewood trade. By analysing the maps in comparison with extant maps from other centres of production (particularly Portugal and the German lands), travel accounts, and wider visual culture, this article explores their relationship to possible sources and considers the extent to which their iconography had a basis in experience. By investigating the use of these maps as gifts to French kings, it suggests that the mapmakers' selective use of trading imagery also played a persuasive role in the Norman maritime world's disputes with the Portuguese crown over the extent of Portugal's Atlantic empire.

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Authors & Contributors
Gerhardt, Regine
Azevedo, Débora de Almeida
Capocci, Mauro
Carvalho, Ismar de Souza
Garnelo, Luiza
Gascoigne, John
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Cartographica Helvetica
Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography
Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences
Filosofia e História da Biologia
Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza
University of Chicago Press
Rutgers University
Cambridge University Press
Lexington Books
University of Texas Press
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey, New Brunswick
Maps; atlases
Visual representation; visual communication
Indigenous peoples; indigeneity
Science and race
Cross-cultural interaction; cultural influence
Brandão, Ambrósio Fernandes,
Henry IV, King of France
Magnus, Olaus
Martius, Karl Friedrich Philipp von
Rugendas, Johann Moritz
Reinel, Pedro
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
18th century
15th century
21st century
19th century
Paris (France)
Great Britain
Observatoire de Paris

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