Davies, R. E. G. (Author)
Amazon: This book provides the first comprehensive history of the world's airline industries from the early 1960s to the present day. It begins with the advent of jet airliners, covers the 'second' jet age of wide-bodied aircraft such as the Boeing 747 and DC-10, and closes with the introduction of the 'third' jet age, which begins with the double-decked giant Airbus A380. This reference book, covering airlines around the globe, is the ultimate resource for information on modern air transport. The volume also includes an informative introductory chapter guiding readers from the infancy of flight, through the air-transport craft in use during the two World Wars, and into the jet age.
...MoreReview Ellis, Steven D. (2013) Review of "Airlines of the Jet Age: A History". Air Power History (pp. 54-55).
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