Cahill, William M. (Author)
The article presents a historical overview of the U.S. Army Air Corps' 3d Photographic Reconnaissance Squadron (3d PRS) during the Japanese theater of World War II. Particular focus is given to ways in which the military intelligence gathered through the 3d PRS's work aided the Twentieth (XXth) Air Force in their strategic bombing campaign against Japan in 1944 and 1945. The use of modified versions of Boeing B-17, B-29, and F-13 aircraft in the missions of the 3d PRS is highlighted and the aims of reconnaissance missions, including gathering information about bombing damage as well as naval and army locations, are discussed.
Downing, Taylor;
Spies in the Sky: The Secret Battle for Aerial Intelligence during World War II
Donald M. Bishop;
Erik R. Limpaecher;
Looking Back from the Age of ISR: U.S. Observation Balloons in WWI
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Electronic Eyes for the Allies: Anglo-American Cooperation on Radar Development During World War II
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Christen, Joan A.;
Dr. Lytle Adams' Incendiary “Bat Bomb” of World War II
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A Wasp Among Eagles: A Woman Military Test Pilot in World War II
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A Radar History of World War II: Technical and Military Imperatives
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Factories of Death: Japanese Biological Warfare, 1932--1945, and the American Cover-Up
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Aeronautical Technology for Pilot Safety: Reexamining Deck-Landing Aircraft in Great Britain, Japan, and the United States
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From Kites to Cold War: The Evolution of Manned Airborne Reconnaissance
Kaplan, Caren;
Aerial Aftermaths: Wartime from Above
McBride, William M.;
Technological change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945
Scamehorn, H. Lee;
Balloons to Jets: A Century of Aeronautics in Illinois, 1855-1955
Connolly, Thomas J.;
World War II
Brady, Tim;
U.S. Airlines from 1930 to World War II
Grier, David Alan;
The Math Tables Project of the WPA: The Reluctant Start of the Computing Era
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Vom Nutzen und Nachteil der Luftfahrtforschung im NS-Staat. Die Aerodynamische Versuchsanstalt Göttingen und die Strahltriebwerksforschung im Zweiten Weltkrieg
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Stobbs, Anne;
Pioneers of radar
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The Secret History of RDX: The Super-Explosive that Helped Win World War II
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A Great Leap Forward: 1930s Depression and U.S. Economic Growth
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