Regal, Brian (Author)
The well known naturalist, Richard Owen, had a career long engagement with monstrous creatures. In the 1830s he famously christened large fossil reptiles, Dinosauria. He investigated fossil marine reptiles as well as the giant moa. He also looked into the sea-serpents and sea monsters then drawing wide public attention.1 He actively collected letters and analyzed correspondence on the topic, consulted with the admiralty on reports of Royal Navy encounters and sightings, and commented in the public press. He concluded that such reports were based upon misidentifications of whales and other large marine mammals, and not run-ins with mythological creatures. His work on the sea-serpent shows that rather than discount the idea out of hand, a number of high profile naturalists were intrigued by monsters and attempted to understand what they were. His work is key to understanding the skepticism over monsters held by modern mainstream science. This skepticism opened the field to later amateur investigators.
Burns, Elizabeth Iris;
Monster on the Margin: The Sea Serpent Phenomenon in New England, 1817--1849
Bindernagel, John A.;
The Discovery of the Sasquatch: Reconciling Culture, History and Science in the Discovery Process
Wolfe, Richard;
Moa: The Dramatic Story of the Discovery of a Giant Bird
Jere H. Lipps;
Natural history museums: Facilitating science literacy across the globe
Lyons, Sherrie;
Sea Monsters: Myth or Genuine Relic of the Past
McGowan-Hartmann, John;
Shadow of the Dragon: The Convergence of Myth and Science in Nineteenth Century Paleontological Imagery
Moore, P. G.;
Popularizing Marine Natural History in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century Britain
C.G.M. Paxton;
D. Naish;
Did Nineteenth Century marine vertebrate fossil discoveries influence sea serpent reports?
Claudine Cohen;
Exhibiting life history at the Paris Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle (nineteenth–twenty-first centuries)
Lauren Neitzke-Adamo;
A.J. Blandford;
Julia Criscione;
Richard K. Olsson;
Erika Gorder;
The Rutgers Geology Museum: America’s first geology museum and the past 200 years of geoscience education
Gary D. Rosenberg;
Carl Akeley’s revolution in exhibit design at the Milwaukee Public Museum
Gary D. Rosenberg;
Renee M. Clary;
Museums at the Forefront of the History and Philosophy of Geology: History Made, History in the Making
Patricia Coorough Burke;
Peter M. Sheehan;
Museums at the intersection of science and citizen: An example from a Silurian reef
John A. Diemer;
Fossil collections and mapping the Silurian: An example from Scandinavia
Christian Koeberl;
Franz Brandstätter;
Mathias Harzhauser;
Christa Riedl-Dorn;
History and importance of the geoscience collections at the Natural History Museum Vienna
Regal, Brian;
Amateur Versus Professional: The Search for Bigfoot
Thomas Honegger;
Introducing the Medieval Dragon
Stothers, Richard B.;
Ancient Scientific Basis of the “Great Serpent” from Historical Evidence
Carter, Christopher;
“A Constant Prodigy?” Empirical Views of an Unordinary Nature
P. Minard;
Making the ‘Marsupial Lion‘: Bunyips, Networked Colonial Knowledge Production between 1830–59 and the Description of Thylacoleo carnifex
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