Stark, James F. (Author)
In the decades around 1900, industrial anthrax attracted significant attention from medical practitioners, legislators and the general public in Britain. Attempts to reduce the incidence of the disease ranged from basic health measures -- preventing workmen from eating inside factories and trialling the use of respirators -- through to national legislation making disinfection of dangerous materials mandatory. Another effort involved the production of industrial warning posters (or cautionary notices) which were designed for use in the factory environment. In the case of anthrax, the context in which these notices appeared adds to our understanding of not only the disease itself, but also the relations between those producing such posters and those who encountered them in an industrial setting.
Carter, Tim;
Melling, Joseph;
Trade, Spores, and the Culture of Disease: Attempts to Regulate Anthrax in Britain and Its International Trade, 1875--1930
Sanders, Mike;
Manufacturing accident: Industrialism and the worker's body in early Victorian fiction
Lila Pelita Hati;
Kiki Maulana Affandi;
Weaving Hope in Tanah Deli: Life and Healthcare of Plantation Workers in the East Sumatra's Plantation Belt, 1870-1940
Tim Carter;
Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860-1960: Medicine, Technology, Shipowners and the State in Britain
McIvor, Arthur;
Johnston, Ronald;
Miners' Lung. A History of Dust Disease in British Coal Mining
Alessandra Maria Balestra;
The industry of butter made with pasteurised cream as a defence against Tuberculosis transmission
James F. Stark;
‘A remedy for this dread disease’: Achille Sclavo, anthrax and serum therapy in early twentieth-century Britain
Almeida, Maria Antónia Pires de;
Epidemics in the News: Health and Hygiene in the Press in Periods of Crisis
Kashin, Konstantin;
Pollock, Ethan;
Public Health and Bathing in Late Imperial Russia: A Statistical Approach
Enrico Cevolani;
Dai cerotti Plastod all’Idrobitume: le invenzioni di Umberto Dotta, chimico e farmacista bolognese
Alting, A.;
Success in a science and engineering research environment in industry: the relationship between success, gender and area of research
James P. Kraft;
Havoc and Reform: Workplace Disasters in Modern America
Jones, Claire;
The Medical Trade Catalogue in Britain, 1870--1914
Steffan Blayney;
Industrial Fatigue and the Productive Body: the Science of Work in Britain, c. 1900–1918
Zweiniger-Bargielowska, Ina;
Managing the Body: Beauty, Health, and Fitness in Britain, 1880--1939
Laura Newman;
Microbial Metaphors: Teaching ‘Familiar Science’ at a Kent Sanatorium, c.1905–1930
Greenlees, Janet;
“The dangers attending these conditions are evident”: Public Health and the Working Environment of Lancashire Textile Communities, c.1870--1939
Valentina Gazzaniga;
Silvia Marinozzi;
De Carbone, Sive Carbuncolo. Il Carbonchio nella Pubblicistica Italiana dalla Restaurazione all'Unità
Guillemin, Jeanne;
Anthrax: The Investigation of a Deadly Outbreak
Jones, Susan D.;
Teigen, Philip M.;
Anthrax in Transit: Practical Experience and Intellectual Exchange
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