Hiatt, Alfred (Author)
Recent scholarship has begun to draw attention to the rich and complex history of the medieval reception of Walter of Châtillon's Alexandreis. One aspect of that history resides in the attempts of commentators on the poem to explicate the significant amount of topographic reference found in the Alexandreis. Many of the numerous (and still largely unedited) marginal and interlinear glosses on Walter's epic respond to its geography. In addition, a number of manuscripts of the Alexandreis contain a world map, usually a visual gloss to Walter's description of Asia at 1.396-426, but on occasion a larger image located before or after the text. After an overview of Walter's own use of geography in the poem, this article aligns the evidence of glosses with maps to draw conclusions about the ways in which the poem's spatial reference was understood in the later Middle Ages. An instant classic, the Alexandreis was read alongside and with reference to Lucan's Bellum civile and Sallust's Bellum Iugurthinum, its representation of space at the intersection of history, rhetoric, and ethnography.
Surekha Davies;
Renaissance Ethnography and the Invention of the Human: New Worlds, Maps and Monsters
Platt, Jennifer;
Crothers, Charles;
Horgan, Mervyn;
Producing Ethnographies: Workplace Ethnographies in History
Willard McCarty;
Geoffrey E. R. Lloyd;
Aparecida Vilaça;
Science in the Forest, Science in the Past: Further Interdisciplinary Explorations
Brady, Erika;
A spiral way: How the phonograph changed ethnography
Ekaterina Ilyushechkina;
Zur Quellenfrage der "Erdbeschreibung" des Dionysios Periegetes: Die "Geographika" Strabons als eine der Quellen?
Pietro Janni;
Nonno di Panopoli: un dio sulle vie dell’Oriente
Jane Lucy Lightfoot;
Between Literature and Science, Poetry and Prose, Alexandria and Rome: The Case of Dionysius’ "Periegesis of the Known World"
Evans, Meredith;
Matrices of Force: Spinozist Monism and Margaret Cavendish's Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World
Moudarres, Andrea;
The Geography of the Enemy: Old and New Empires between Humanist Debates and Tasso's Gerusalemme liberate
William Spaggiari;
Giovanni Pascoli e il vulcano della Martinica
Patrick Counillon;
Denys le Périégète et ses sources
Hewitt, Rachel;
“Eyes to the Blind”: Telescopes, Theodolites and Failing Vision in William Wordsworth's Landscape Poetry
Miguélez-Cavero, Laura;
Cosmic and Terrestrial Personifications in Nonnus' Dionysiaca
Linda Rui Feng;
Producing Knowledge of the Sea Coast: Marine Life and a Tang Geographical Miscellany of Lingnan
Haye, Thomas;
Die Astronomie des Hyginus als Objekt hochmittelalterlicher Lehrdichtung
Carlo Toffalori;
Lo Cielo del Sole: la Matematica e Dante
Paz, James;
Magic That Works: Performing Scientia in the Old English Metrical Charms and Poetic Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn
Wallis, Faith;
Caedmon's Created World and the Monastic Encyclopedia
Rand, Michael;
Clouds, Rain, and the Upper Waters: From Bereshit Rabbah to the Piyyuṭim of Eleazar be-rabbi Qillir
Williams, Mark;
Astrological Poetry in Late Medieval Wales: The Case of Dafydd Nanmor's “To God and the Planet Saturn”
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