Article ID: CBB001201533

Buscando la verdad (2010)


Macías, Juan Manuel (Author)

Volume: 63
Pages: 89--92
Publication date: 2010
Language: English

George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff ha sido uno de los maestros espirituales más controvertidos de nuestro tiempo. Su pensamiento y sus métodos revolucionaron las creencias de Occidente acerca de las posibilidades reales de la evolución del ser humano. Obsesionado con el despertar de la condición de "artefactos" de las personas, se conducía a veces de manera chocante e inadmisible para los cánones sociales de su época. Pero quienes podían ver más allá de este disfraz, descubrían a un hombre auténtico, capaz de generar trascendentales cambios en quienes le rodeaban. La obra de Gurdjieff es un sincretismo de tradiciones orientales y occidentales aplicadas al hombre moderno, que él llamó "el cuarto camino"; incluye elementos prácticos de tres caminos tradicionales: el camino del fakir, el camino del monje y el camino del yogui, a través de los que la humanidad ha de cumplir su papel dentro del esquema cósmico de las cosas. George Ivanovitch Gurdjieff has been one of the most controversial Spiritual Masters of our time. His thoughts and methods revolutionized Western beliefs about the real possibilities of human evolution. Obsessed with waking people up from the condition of "artifact", he sometimes behaved in ways that were shocking and unacceptable according to the social codes of conduct of his era. But those who can see beyond this disguise, discover an authentic human being, capable to effectuate changes within the persons who surrounded him. Gurdjieff's work is a syncretism of Eastern and Western traditions, applied to modern human beings, which he called "The Fourth Way"; this includes practical elements of three traditional paths: the Way of the Fakir, the Way of the Monk, and, the Way of the Yogi, through which humanity must accomplish its role within the cosmic scheme of things.


Description On the mystic George Gurdjieff.

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Authors & Contributors
Leporiere, Lorenzo
Albanese, Catherine L.
Butler, Alison
De Ceglia, Francesco Paolo
Dixon, Joy
Ferguson, Christine C.
Aries: Journal for the Study of Western Esotericism
Asclepio: Archivo Iberoamericano de Historia de la Medicina
Gender and History
History of Religions
History Workshop Journal
Religion and American Culture: A Journal of Interpretation
Edizioni di Storia e Letteratura
New York University
Cornell University Press
Edinburgh University Press
Johns Hopkins University Press
Occult sciences
Science and religion
Parapsychology; psychic phenomena
Science and culture
Crookes, William
Lodge, Oliver
Myers, Frederic William Henry
Palladino, Eusapia
Luening, Otto
Smith, Oberlin
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
20th century, late
United States
Great Britain
Naples (Italy)
Society for Psychical Research

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