Priest, Robert D. (Author)
In Jésus et les Évangiles (1878) Jules Soury applied the findings of nineteenth-century psychiatry to Christian history and concluded that Jesus had suffered from paralytic dementia. Although Soury sought to emulate his teacher Ernest Renan's hugely successful Vie de Jésus (1863), the book failed to generate comparable enthusiasm. Indeed, despite the success of anticlerical psychiatry in the same period, Soury's appropriation of psychopathology ultimately sabotaged his historical career. This article situates Soury's work in a broader debate about the institutionalization of the `science of religions' or sciences religieuses. This discipline was central to the Opportunist Republicans' attempts to secularize the higher education system during the 1880s. I demonstrate how liberal Protestant scholars like Maurice Vernes secured the hegemony of a conception of sciences religieuses that, despite the prevalent scientism of the early Third Republic, represented the rejection of a materialistic interpretation of religious history.
David W Jones;
Moral insanity and psychological disorder: the hybrid roots of psychiatry
Enric J. Novella;
Alexandre Brierre De Boismont and the Limits of the Psychopathological Gaze
Frank W. Stahnisch;
Die Neurowissenschaften in Straßburg zwischen 1872 und 1945. Forschungstätigkeiten zwischen politischen und kulturellen Zäsuren
Marco Innamorati;
Ruggero Taradel;
Renato Foschi;
Between Sacred and Profane: Possession, Psychopathology, and the Catholic Church
Otero, Mario H.;
Apuntes sobre la “bancarrota” de la ciencia circa 1900
Gelfand, Toby;
Jules Soury, Le Système Nerveux Central (Paris, 1899)
Gausemeier, Bernd;
Pedigrees of Madness: The Study of Heredity in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Psychiatry
Eghigian, Greg;
A Drifting Concept for an Unruly Menace: A History of Psychopathy in Germany
Wittmann, Barbara;
Spuren erzeugen: Zeichnen und Schreiben als Verfahren der Selbstaufzeichnung
Mauricio V Daker;
The theory of symptom complexes, mind and madness
Berrios, G. E.;
“On alterations in the form of speech and on the formation of new words and expressions in madness” by L. Snell (1852)
José I Pérez Revuelta;
José M Villagrán Moreno;
Moreau de Tours: organicism and subjectivity. Part 2: Moreau as psychopathologist
Viviana Faschi;
Nietzsche's Illness Diagnosis Issues: A Review of His Clinical Records and Some Recent Hypotheses
Jose I Pérez Revuelta;
Jose M Villagrán Moreno;
Moreau de Tours: organicism and subjectivity. Part 1: Life and work
Marcello Mazzoni;
La nave dei folli. Storia del manicomio di Teramo
Beatrice Dema;
La lingua nella storia della psichiatria moderna e contemporanea
Le Maléfan, Pascal;
La place de l'étude des écrits dans l'approche psychopathologique du spiritisme (1850--1950)
Lorenzo Leporiere;
Sessualità perversa. Breve storia di una rivista scandalosa
Mitsuru Sôma;
Kiyotaka Tanikawa;
Yo-Ichiro Sato;
The Date of Christ's Crucifixion and the Earth's Rotation
DeVun, Leah;
The Jesus Hermaphrodite: Science and Sex Difference in PremodernEurope
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