Article ID: CBB001201305

Francis Bacon, Violence, and the Motion of Liberty: The Aristotelian Background (2014)


Pesic, Peter (Author)

Journal of the History of Ideas
Volume: 75
Pages: 69--90
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

The elucidation of Francis Bacon's new approach to nature calls for constant comparison with Aristotle's terminology, the common starting point for Bacon and his contemporaries. What Bacon called the violence of impediments is only understandable in relation to Aristotle's technical use of the term violence, as distinguished from other common uses of this word. Bacon's impediments do not violate nature but reveal its latent possibilities, for violence starts within nature itself, as a dramatic nexus of conflicting forces whose release results in the motion of liberty. Subtle co-optation of this natural violence can transform and control nature. Keywords Francis Bacon, Aristotle, experiment, violence, nature, Natural Philosophy, Early Modern Science, Carolyn Merchant

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Authors & Contributors
Brading, Katherine
Artis, Aderemi Ethan
Bloem, Annelies
DiSalle, Robert
Duchesneau, François
Fredriksson, Maria
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Foundations of Science
Monist: An International Quarterly Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry
Lexington Books
The Catholic University of America
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
University of St. Thomas
Edition Open Access
Philosophy of science
Natural philosophy
Motion (physical)
Natural laws
Newton, Isaac
Descartes, René
Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam
Galilei, Galileo
Hobbes, Thomas
Spinoza, Baruch
Time Periods
17th century
16th century
18th century
19th century
Great Britain
Pisa (Italy)
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)

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