Article ID: CBB001201200

A Latent Historiography? The Case of Psychiatry in Britain, 1500--1820 (2014)


Houston, R. A. (Author)

Historical Journal
Volume: 57
Pages: 289--310
Publication date: 2014
Language: English

Both empirically and interpretively, extant histories of psychiatry reveal a vastly greater degree of difference among themselves than historical accounts of any other field. Scholarship focuses on the period after 1800 and the same is true of historiographical reviews; those of early modern British psychiatry are often brief literature studies. This article sets out in depth the development of this rich and varied branch of history since the 1950s, exploring the many different approaches that have contributed to understanding the mad and how they were treated. Social, cultural, philosophical, religious, and intellectual historians have contributed as much as historians of science and medicine to understanding an enduring topic of fascination: `disorders of consciousness and conduct' and their context. Appreciating the sometimes unacknowledged lineages of the subject and the personal histories of scholars (roots and routes) makes it easier to understand the past, present, and future of the history of psychiatry. The article explores European and North American influences as well as British traditions, looking at both the main currents of historiographical change and developments particular to the history of psychiatry.

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Authors & Contributors
Berrios, German E.
Schioldann, Johan
Andrietti, Francesco
Boeckl, Christine M.
Crozier, Ivan
Delille, Emmanuel
History of Psychiatry
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Journal of Literature and Science
Social History of Medicine
Franco Angeli
Cambridge University Press
Bloomsbury Academic
Truman State University Press
Mental disorders and diseases
Medicine and society
Medicine and culture
Medicine and religion
History of medicine, as a discipline
Foucault, Michel
Grob, Gerald N.
Wimmer, August
Constantinus Africanus
Andresen, Christopher Schroeder
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
16th century
18th century
21st century
20th century
Great Britain

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