Article ID: CBB001200978

William Petty's Anthropology: Religion, Colonialism, and the Problem of Human Diversity (2011)


Lewis, Rhodri (Author)

Huntington Library Quarterly
Volume: 74
Pages: 261--288
Publication date: 2011
Language: English

In the late 1670s, William Petty wrote Of the Scale of Creatures, an unfinished treatise that reinterprets the scala naturae or chain of being. On the strength of its appendix on human anthropology, Petty has been identified as a founding father of modern racism. By reconsidering the history of the work's dissemination and examining the language and assumptions of the Scale as a whole, Rhodri Lewis challenges this reading. This essay shows that the Scale was virtually unknown until the twentieth century, and that it offers what was then a conventional geo-humoral explanation of human diversity, one quite distinct from modern racialism. It was motivated primarily by Petty's theological concerns and his desire to vindicate the scriptural account of the origins and demographic growth of humankind.

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Authors & Contributors
Anderson, Mark
Anderson, Warwick H.
Barany, Michael J.
Beasley, Edward
Brantlinger, Patrick
Burkholder, Zoe
British Journal for the History of Science
Annals of the History and Philosophy of Biology
History of Psychology
History of the Human Sciences
Journal of the History of Biology
New York University
Cornell University Press
National University of Singapore Press
Presses Universitaires de France
Science and race
Boas, Franz
Bagehot, Walter
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
Darwin, Charles Robert
Galton, Francis
Gobineau, Joseph Arthur Comte de
Time Periods
19th century
20th century, early
20th century
18th century
Great Britain
United States
American Museum of Natural History, New York
Columbia University
Kingdom of Italy (1861-1946)

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