Slotten, Hugh Richard (Author)
This article examines the role of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), a specialized agency of the United Nations, in the international effort to manage the radio spectrum. The management of the radio spectrum has been one of the most important activities of the ITU. International agreements for the use of the radio spectrum have been necessary because radio waves do not simply stop at national borders. Governments have viewed the spectrum as an international common resource.Specifically, this article focuses on the development of radio spectrum policy for one of the most significant new radio services of the twentieth century: radio transmissions involving outer space. Crucial ITU administrative radio conferences in 1959 and 1963 organized especially by the United States laid the foundation for the Cold War space race. A focus on the efforts by the United States to manage the meetings is particularly important for gaining a deeper understanding of Cold War diplomacy and international relations during this crucial period. In the context of total cold war, diplomacy was closely linked to a broad range of national security concerns, not only military preparedness but also the symbolic and material struggle over hearts and minds. A central concern of the early efforts to arrive at international agreements for space frequencies was satellite communications. The United States was particularly concerned about convincing the international community to set aside large blocks of frequencies for a planned global satellite communications system that would serve multiple national security objectives. The global satellite system would, in turn, play an important role in convincing other countries to agree to set aside frequencies for all forms of space communication.
Hugh R. Slotten;
Beyond Sputnik and the Space Race: The Origins of Global Satellite Communications
Dunbar-Hester, Christina;
Propagating Technology, Propagating Community? Low-Power Radio Activism andTechnological Negotiation in the U.S., 1996--2006
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Euromissiles: The Nuclear Weapons That Nearly Destroyed NATO
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“Crucified on a Cross of Atoms”: Scientists, Politics, and the Test Ban Treaty
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Cross-Curtain Radio Cooperation and New International Alignments during the Cold War
Harris, Chad Vincent;
Satellite Imagery and Discourses of Transparency
Pavri, Vera;
What You Say Is What You Get: Policy Discourse and the Regulation of Canada's First Domestic Communications Satellite System
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Robert Underwood;
Jennifer Anson;
The Modern History of ICT in Oceania—PEACESAT and USPNet
Cain, Frank;
Computers and the Cold War: United States Restrictions on the Export of Computers to the Soviet Union and Communist China
Maharaj, Doraisamy Ashok;
Space for Development: US-Indian Space Relations 1955--1976
Johns, Adrian;
Death of a Pirate: British Radio and the Making of the Information Age
Nicholas Michael Sambaluk;
The Other Space Race: Eisenhower and the Quest for Aerospace Security
Kind-Kovács, Friederike;
Voices, Letters, and Literature through the Iron Curtain: Exiles and the (Trans)mission of Radio in the Cold War
Risso, Linda;
Radio Wars: Broadcasting in the Cold War
Macfarlane, Daniel;
“A Completely Man-Made and Artificial Cataract”: The Transnational Manipulation of Niagara Falls
Wedge, John;
The United States, Radio Architecture, and Global Space, 1933--1951
Junker, Detlef;
Gassert, Philipp;
Mausbach, Wilfried;
Morris, David B.;
The United States and Germany in the era of the Cold War, 1945-1990: A handbook
Elisabeth Roehrlich;
Inspectors for Peace: A History of the International Atomic Energy Agency
Alison Kraft;
From Dissent to Diplomacy: The Pugwash Project During the 1960s Cold War
Rankin, William;
The Geography of Radionavigation and the Politics of Intangible Artifacts
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