Book ID: CBB001181015

Cultura digital y movimientos sociales (2008)


Sádaba, Igor (Editor)

Los Libros de la Catarata
Publication date: 2008

Publication Date: 2008
Edition Details: Translated title: [Digital culture and social movements] In Spanish.
Physical Details: 318 pp.

Includes Chapters

Chapter Jones, Steve; Perez, Francisco Seoane (2008) Activismo politico en la era digital: El empleo de internet para el compromiso politico de asistentes a convoctorias. In: Cultura digital y movimientos sociales (p. 222). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Aspray, William F.
Bartscherer, Thomas
Benjamin, Ruha
Coover, Roderick
Cortada, James W.
Dourish, Paul
The Bridge: Journal of the National Academy of Engineering
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Science as Culture
New Books Network Podcast
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Indiana University Press
MIT Press
New York University Press
Oxford University Press
Polity Press
Information technology
Technology and society
Computers and computing
Big data
Communication technology
Time Periods
21st century
20th century, late
20th century
19th century
20th century, early
United States
North America
London (England)
Commonwealth countries

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