Hulme, Mike (Author)
Climate change has mutated from being a physical phenomenon to be studied to an idea to be contested. The sites of adjudication between competing truth claims have therefore moved from the secluded academy and scientific peer review to the vociferous agora and the extended peer community. This move is illustrated here using the case of the shrinking glaciers of Mt Kilimanjaro. Both the British engineer Guy Callendar, in 1944, and the American campaigner Al Gore, in 2006, claimed that the primary cause of this glacial recession was rising world temperature. Both were passionate believers in the reality of human-induced global warming, but they had very different resources at their disposal to advance these beliefs. While Callendar's claim was revealed only to the editor of the science journal Nature, Gore's claims were visible to millions through his film An Inconvenient Truth. While the force of Callendar's claim was weighed and adjudicated by one peer reviewer, the validity of Gore's claim was tested very publicly in the British courts. Both claims about the cause of Kilimanjaro's retreating glaciers were found wanting. The paper argues that this simple, but powerful, comparison between identical claims-making drawn from two different eras of science, yet with contrasting processes of truth-adjudication, illuminates the different `post-normal' world of science climate change now inhabits. The case study is used to reflect on the role of the extended peer community in establishing and validating scientific knowledge about climate change: who participates, how trust is stabilised and whether science is thereby democratised.
Moser, Susanne C.;
Communicating Climate Change: History, Challenges, Process and Future Directions
Rudiak-Gould, Peter;
Progress, Decline, and the Public Uptake of Climate Science
Jamison, Andrew;
Climate Change Knowledge and Social Movement Theory
Buys, Laurie;
Aird, Rosemary;
Megen, Kimberley van;
Miller, Evonne;
Sommerfeld, Jeffrey;
Perceptions of Climate Change and Trust in Information Providers in Rural Australia
Ranalli, Brent Tibor;
A Prehistory of Peer Review: Religious Blueprints from the Hartlib Circle
Bohn, Maria;
Concentrating on CO2: The Scandinavian and Arctic Measurements
Melinda Baldwin;
Peer Review
Nierenberg, Nicolas;
Tschinkel, Walter R.;
Tschinkel, Victoria J.;
Early Climate Change Consensus at the National Academy: The Origins and Making of Changing Climate
James Lawrence Powell;
The Consensus on Anthropogenic Global Warming Matters
Sörlin, Sverker;
Narratives and Counter-Narratives of Climate Change: North Atlantic Glaciology and Meteorology, c.1930--1955
Sörlin, Sverker;
The Anxieties of a Science Diplomat: Field Coproduction of Climate Knowledge and the Rise and Fall of Hans Ahlmann's “Polar Warming”
Sophie Ritson;
(August 2016)
‘Crackpots’ and ‘active researchers’: The controversy over links between arXiv and the scientific blogosphere
David Harker;
Creating Scientific Controversies: Uncertainty and Bias in Science and Society
Gupta, Joyeeta;
A History of International Climate Change Policy
Max Martin;
Vinita Damodaran;
Rohan D'Souza;
Geography in Britain after World War II: Nature, Climate, and the Etchings of Time
Djerf-Pierre, Monika;
Green Metacycles of Attention: Reassessing the Attention Cycles of Environmental News Reporting 1961--2010
Nielsen, Kristian H.;
Expedition “Live”: Science, Media, and Politics on the Galathea 3 Expedition, 2006--2007
Sonnett, John H.;
Representing the Earth: Global Climate Issues in Popular, Political, Scientific, Business, Industry, and Environmentalist News: A New Old Sociology of Knowledge
P. Sol Hart;
Lauren Feldman;
(August 2016)
The Impact of Climate Change–Related Imagery and Text on Public Opinion and Behavior Change
Scott Hanson-Easey;
Susan Williams;
Alana Hansen;
Kathryn Fogarty;
Peng Bi;
(April 2015)
Speaking of Climate Change: A Discursive Analysis of Lay Understandings
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