Bennett, Michael J. (Author)
The massive expansion of information from the seventeenth century placed considerable demands on mental capacity, and individual scholars responded with strategies of memory training and note-taking that prompted, relieved or replaced memory. It has been acknowledged how cowpox inoculation (vaccination) and smallpox inoculation (variolation) stimulated new forms of record keeping and the standardization and tabulation of medical data for scientific analysis and to inform public policy. Yet the key figure in these developments, Edward Jenner, while a careful observer who thought hard about the patterns he discerned, did not take good notes either from his reading or of his observations. He depended a great deal on his memory, especially a remarkable visual memory, consolidating his recollections and refining his thinking more through conversation and familiar letters than careful note-taking and writing. It was rather in the work of the practitioners who took up Jenners' writings, including some laymen and women, that we find the keeping of records of their vaccinations, in order to provide patient records and to report the results to friends, colleagues and a wider public.
Antonio Reguera Teba;
Balmis expedition: The children who carried the smallpox vaccine to America
Raffaele Domenici;
Il primo Stato a decretare l’obbligatorietà vaccinale contro il vaiolo: Il Principato di Lucca e Piombino (1806)
Michael J. Bennett;
The War Against Smallpox: Edward Jenner and the Global Spread of Vaccination
Hoffman, Christoph;
Daten sichern. Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung
Plett, Peter C.;
Peter Plett und die übrigen Entdecker der Kuhpockenimpfung vor Edward Jenner
Rusnock, Andrea;
Catching Cowpox: The Early Spread of Smallpox Vaccination, 1798--1810
Bennett, Michael;
Jenner's Ladies: Women and Vaccination against Smallpox in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain
Valentina Sordoni;
«L'immortale britanno». Monaldo Leopardi e il vaccino contro il vaiolo
Hackett, Paul;
Averting Disaster: The Hudson's Bay Company and Smallpox in Western Canada during the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries
Jones, Greta;
Malcolm, Elizabeth;
Medicine, disease, and the State in Ireland, 1650-1940
Serge Boarini;
L’inoculation de la petite vérole à Lyon: De la condamnation à l’acceptation (1779-1811)
Hyon Ju Lee;
Dr. John Jeffries (1745-1819) and the Uncertain Practices of Smallpox Medicine
Cristina Munno;
La lotta al vaiolo e le pratiche antivaiolose nel Settecento e nell’Ottocento veneto
Paolo Gerbaldo;
Arte salutare e inoculazione antivaiolosa. Il medico Vincenzo Sacchetti nel Piemonte napoleonico e sabaudo
Bhattacharya, Sanjoy;
Brimnes, Niels;
Introduction: Simultaneously Global and Local: Reassessing Smallpox Vaccination and Its Spread, 1789--1900
Marks, Harry M.;
When the State Counts Lives: Eighteenth-Century Quarrels over Inoculation
Helen Esfandiary;
‘A thankless enterprise’: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu's campaign to establish medical unorthodoxy amongst her female network
James, Tricia;
Rural Industrialisation, Urbanisation and Infant Mortality in Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire, 1879--1910: A Vaccination Register Study
Claudia Agostoni;
Médicos, campañas y vacunas: la viruela y la cultura de su prevención en México 1870-1952
Andrew M. Wehrman;
The Contagion of Liberty: The Politics of Smallpox in the American Revolution
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