Yeo, Richard R. (Author)
Whereas his contemporaries were explicitly aware that the limits of memory called for scrupulous arrangement of one's papers, Boyle's papers remained chaotic throughout his life, necessitating a habitual recourse to memory. This invites consideration of Boyle's views on the use of memory and notes, taking account of the precepts and options of his day. Like many other early modern virtuosi, Boyle made copious notes comprising both textual extracts and empirical information, but he did not maintain large commonplace books of the kind recommended by Renaissance humanists; nor did he publicize an account of his note-taking methods, as John Locke did. However, through his early contacts with Samuel Hartlib, Boyle was exposed to the ways in which diverse information could be noted, stored and used. Furthermore, his practice exemplified the well-known dual function of notes as both prompting memory and relieving it. Boyle did not pause to write a sustained essay on these issues; nevertheless, scattered throughout his prefaces, advertisements, works, notebooks and manuscripts there are significant comments on his practice of making what he called 'loose notes'. Boyle was aware of the kinds of notes he kept and his reliance on both memory and notes as prompts to reflection and thought.
Hunter, Michael;
Littleton, Charles;
The work-diaries of Robert Boyle: A newly discovered source and its Internet publication
Yeo, Richard R.;
Notebooks, English Virtuosi, and Early Modern Science
Hoffman, Christoph;
Daten sichern. Schreiben und Zeichnen als Verfahren der Aufzeichnung
Yeo, Richard;
Memory and Empirical Information: Samuel Hartlib, John Beale and Robert Boyle
Bennett, Michael;
Note-Taking and Data-Sharing: Edward Jenner and the Global Vaccination Network
Chartier, Roger;
Cochrane, Lydia G;
The Author's Hand and the Printer's Mind
Alan James Hogarth;
Michael Witmore;
Reflexive witnessing: Boyle, the Royal Society and scientific style
Martinón-Torres, Marcos;
Inside Solomon's House: An Archaeological Study of the Old Ashmolean Chymical Laboratory in Oxford
Baudot, Laura;
An Air of History: Joseph Wright's and Robert Boyle's Air Pump Narratives
Wallwork, Jo;
Disruptive Behaviour in the Making of Science: Cavendish and the Community of Seventeenth-Century Science
Chalmers, Alan F.;
Boyle and the Origins of Modern Chemistry: Newman Tried in the Fire
Evelyn, John;
Chambers, D. D. C.;
Galbraith, David Ian;
The Letterbooks of John Evelyn
Agassi, Joseph;
The Very Idea of Modern Science: Francis Bacon and Robert Boyle
Newman, William R.;
How Not to Integrate the History and Philosophy of Science: A Reply to Chalmers
Cecon, Kleber;
Chemical Translation: The Case of Robert Boyle's Experiments on Sensible Qualities
Kistner, Kelly;
“A Word Factory Was Wanted”: Organizational Objectivity in the Making of the Oxford English Dictionary
Caroline Archer-Parré;
Malcolm Dick;
Pen, print and communication in the eighteenth century
Melissa Bailes;
Questioning Nature: British Women's Scientific Writing and Literary Originality, 1750-1830
Grimes, Hilary;
The Late Victorian Gothic: Mental Science, the Uncanny, and Scenes of Writing
Levine, George Lewis;
Darwin the Writer
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