Article ID: CBB001021855

Intellectual Property and the Nature of Science (2006)


Johns, Adrian (Author)

Cultural Studies
Volume: 20
Pages: 145--164
Publication date: 2006
Language: English

The debate about the patenting of research is perhaps the most passionate now taking place about science and scientific culture. It is widely maintained that the expansion of patenting since about 1980 betrays a scientific tradition to which norms of universalism and common ownership of knowledge were central. This paper goes back to mid-twentieth century debates about science and intellectual property (IP) to argue that many of the norms we take as so central to science were themselves first articulated to critique patenting practices. In particular, it looks at how an economist (Arnold Plant), a scientist/philosopher (Michael Polanyi), and an information theorist (Norbert Wiener) responded to such practices. It especially focuses on the role of intellectual-property concerns in the making of Polanyi's philosophy of science, which it excavates through a reading of his unpublished papers. This reveals that the modern field of 'science studies' is indebted for some of its key concepts to an earlier generation of patent wars - an inheritance that exemplifies some of the strange ways in which the sociopolitical meanings of ideas can change from generation to generation. The point is not that present-day critics of scientific patenting are wrong, but that the very terms of the debate are more deeply-seated in the development of scientific culture than any of us has realized. Keywords: intellectual property; patenting; science studies; Michael Polanyi; Arnold Plant; Norbert Wiener


Description “Especially focuses on the role of intellectual-property concerns in the making of Polanyi's philosophy of science.” (from the abstract)

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Authors & Contributors
Turchetti, Simone
Berveglieri, Roberto
Boldrin, Michele
Cooper, Carolyn C.
Fischer, Frank
Galvez-Behar, Gabriel
History and Technology
Social Studies of Science
Biology and Philosophy
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Dynamis: Acta Hispanica ad Medicinae Scientiarumque Historiam Illustrandam
Historical Studies in the Natural Sciences
Cambridge University Press
Yale University
Oxford University Press
Presses Universitaires de Rennes
Stanford University Press
Intellectual property
Science and economics
Science and law
Science and industry
Polanyi, Michael
Bourdieu, Pierre
Fermi, Enrico
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
20th century, late
21st century
18th century
20th century, early
United States
Venice (Italy)
American Institute of Physics
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission
United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

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