Galilei, Galileo (Author)
Shea, William R. (Editor)
Bascelli, Tiziana (Editor)
Description Includes an extensive introduction by William Shea and Tiziana Bascelli focusing on the development of the telescope and the science of Galileo's time.
Review Raphael, Renée (2010) Review of "Galileo's Sidereus nuncius or A Sidereal Message". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 644).
Review Palmieri, Paolo (2012) Review of "Galileo's Sidereus nuncius or A Sidereal Message". Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 586-587).
Essay Review Battistini, Andrea (2011) Una nuova traduzione del Sidereus Nuncius. Galilæana: Journal of Galilean Studies (pp. 229-243).
Giuseppe Patota;
Occhiale, cannone, cannocchiale e telescopio: una storia lincea
Essay Review
Franco Giudice;
Only a Matter of Credit? Galileo, the Telescopic Discoveries, and the Copernican System
Essay Review
Renata Ago;
Suggestioni per la storia sociale: distanza geografica, incompletezza delle informazioni e segretezza nella comunicazione scientifica di Galileo
Dennis D. McCarthy;
Il telescopio di Galileo
George V. Coyne;
Dov'e finito il cielo? Galileo e la nascita della scienza moderna
Asim Gangopadhyaya;
Il contributo di Galileo alla meccanica
Edmondo Lupieri;
Paolo Ponzio;
Chi ha rubato i cieli? : Galileo, la "Lettera a Cristina" e le origini della modernità
Massimo Bucciantini;
Franco Giudice;
Michele Camerota;
Galileo's Telescope: A European Story
Giorgio Strano;
La lista della spesa di Galileo: un documento poco noto sul telescopio
Galilei, Galileo;
Reeves, Eileen;
Helden, Albert Van;
Scheiner, Christoph;
On Sunspots
Paolo Palmieri;
Hermes and the Telescope: In the Crucible of Galileo's Life-World
Gaulke, Karsten;
Kepler, Galilei, das Fernrohr und die Folgen
Luís Miguel Carolino;
Between Galileo's Celestial Novelties and Clavius's astronomical legacy: The Cosmology of the Jesuit Giovanni Paolo Lembo (1615)
Boner, Patrick J.;
Tessicini, Dario;
Celestial Novelties on the Eve of the Scientific Revolution, 1540--1630
Payne, Alina Alexandra;
The Telescope and the Compass: Teofilo Gallaccini and the Dialogue between Architecture and Science in the Age of Galileo
Paolo Del Santo;
On an unpublished letter of Francesco Fontana to the Grand-duke of Tuscany Ferdinand II de' Medici
Filippo Camerota;
Galileo's Eye: Linear Perspectives and Visual Astronomy
Giliola Barbero;
Massimo Bucciantini;
Michele Camerota;
Uno scritto inedito di Federico Borromeo: l'Occhiale celeste
Strano, Giorgio;
Saturn's Handles: Observations, Explanations and Censorship from Galileo to the Accademia del Cimento
Galilei, Galileo;
Sidereus Nuncius
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