Eddy, Matthew D. (Author)
Description “In order to show how the classification practices of a defined institutional setting enabled naturalists to create systems of natural history, this book focuses on developments at Edinburgh's medical school.” (from the publisher)
Review Miller, David Philip (2010) Review of "The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 218).
Review Roberts, Lissa (2010) Review of "The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800". British Journal for the History of Science (p. 299).
Review Taylor, Georgette (2010) Review of "The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800". Ambix: Journal of the Society for the History of Alchemy and Chemistry (p. 238).
Review Dym, Warren Alexander (2009) Review of "The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800". Bulletin for the History of Chemistry (p. 153).
Review Boantza, Victor D. (2012) Review of "The Language of Mineralogy: John Walker, Chemistry and the Edinburgh Medical School, 1750--1800". Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology (pp. 579-581).
Essay Review Oldroyd, David (2011) Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Medicine, Geology, Agriculture, Meteorology, Classification,…: The Life and Times of John Walker (1730--1803), Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University. Metascience: An International Review Journal for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Science (pp. 395-399).
Essay Review
Oldroyd, David;
Mineralogy, Chemistry, Botany, Medicine, Geology, Agriculture, Meteorology, Classification,…: The Life and Times of John Walker (1730--1803), Professor of Natural History at Edinburgh University
Eddy, M. D.;
Geology, Minerology and Time in John Walker's University of Edinburgh Natural History Lectures (1779-1803)
Eddy, M. D.;
The University of Edinburgh Natural History Class Lists 1782--1800
Emerson, Roger L.;
The Founding of the Edinburgh Medical School
Eddy, M. D.;
Scottish Chemistry, Classification and the Early Mineralogical Career of the “Ingenious” Rev. Dr. John Walker (1746 to 1779)
Aleta Quinn;
Whewell on classification and consilience
Eddy, M. D.;
Scottish Chemistry, Classification and the late Mineralogical Career of the `Ingenious' Professor John Walker (1779-1803)
Allen, David Elliston;
Naturalists and Society: The Culture of Natural History in Britain, 1700-1900
Susan Bennett;
Poking its nose into everything—the society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce
Anna Christina Graber;
Tsardom of Rock: State, Society, and Mineral Science in Enlightenment Russia
Mayer, Wolf;
The Geological Work of the Baudin Expedition in Australia (1801--1803): The Mineralogists, the Discoveries and the Legacy
Hamm, E. P.;
Unpacking Goethe's collections: The public and the private in natural-historical collecting
Chambers, Mark Milton;
River of Gray Gold: Cultural and Material Changes in the Land of Ores, Country of Minerals, 1719--1839
Giovanni Ferraris;
Early contributions of crystallography to the atomic theory of matter
Steven Turner;
The Science of James Smithson: Discoveries from the Smithsonian Founder
Stephen T. Irish;
The Corundum Stone and Crystallographic Chemistry
Eddy, M. D.;
The “Doctrine of Salts” and Rev. John Walker's Analysis of a Scottish Spa (1749--1761)
Marianne Klemun;
Different functions of learning and knowledge—Geology takes form: Museums in the Habsburg Empire, 1815–1848
Francesco Luzzini;
Scalare il Sublime: Scienza e storia nel primo volume del Memoriale dell’Hotel Nave d’Oro di Predazzo (1820-1875)
Swiderski, Richard M.;
Quicksilver: A History of the Use, Lore and Effects of Mercury
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