Smed, Jens (Author)
The Danish expedition in the summers of 1895 and 1896 on board the cruiser Ingolf to Icelandic and West Greenland waters mainly had zoological tasks, the results of which are treated in the present issue by Wolff. However, the expedition also obtained significant results in physical oceanography. The existence of a vast subsurface ridge, the Reykjanes Ridge, was proved. On the basis of the hydrographic stations worked, the expedition's physicist and chemist Martin Knudsen was able to describe the hydrographic situation of the area. He proved the division of the Irminger Current into an easterly and westerly branch northwest of Iceland, and the extent and magnitude of the East Icelandic Polar Current were established. The existence of an overflow over the Iceland-Faroe Ridge of cold, low-salinity bottom water from the Norwegian Sea into the Atlantic was demonstrated. Knudsen designed a new, reliable reversing thermometer for use on the expedition, and he constructed an instrument that made it possible to measure aboard the ship the content of oxygen and nitrogen dissolved in the water. He showed that the supersaturation of surface water with oxygen might be explained from the photosynthetic processes of phytoplankton.
Wolff, Torben;
The First Danish Deep-Sea Expedition on the Ingolf: 1895 and 1896
Davey, J.;
The Advancement of Nautical Knowledge: The Hydrographical Office, the Royal Navy and the Charting of the Baltic Sea, 1795--1815
Mirko Ancillotti;
Niklas Holmberg;
Mikael Lindfelt;
Stefan Eriksson;
Uncritical and Unbalanced Coverage of Synthetic Biology in the Nordic Press
Wilko Graf von Hardenberg;
Making a Stable Sea: The Littorals of Eighteenth-Century Europe and the Origins of a Spatial Concept
Bates, Charles C.;
Hanssen, G. L.;
Hydro to Navoceano: 175 Years of Ocean Survey and Prediction by the U.S. Navy, 1830--2005
Emil Bessels;
Polaris: The Chief Scientist's Recollections of the American North Pole Expedition, 1871-73
Martin Schneider;
Alfred Wegener und die Kontinentaldrift. Geologie im Übergang zwischen Kontraktionslehre und Plattentektonik (Alfred Wegener and continental drift. Geology in the transition between contraction theory and plate tectonics)
Artin, Emil;
Artin, Tom;
Emil Artin's Iceland Journal, 1925
Yu, Po-ching;
The British East India Company and the Hydrography of the South China Sea
Christopher L. Pastore;
The Science of Shallow Waters: Connecting and Classifying the Early Modern Atlantic
Smirnov, Valentin G.;
Academician N. V. Nasonov and General A. I. Vil'kitskiy: Co-operative Research in Marine and Oceanic Zoology at the Beginning of the 20th Century
Lino Camprubí;
Review of "Waters of the World: The Story of the Scientists Who Unraveled the Mysteries of Our Oceans, Atmosphere, and Ice Sheets and Made the Planet Whole"
Marina Tolmacheva;
Reflections on the Knowledge of Shallow Waters
Stefan Helmreich;
Flipping the Field
Smed, Jens;
The Central Laboratory of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and Its Successors
Wutzke, Ulrich;
Die Motorschlitten “Eisbär” und “Schneespatz” am Kamarujuk: 70 Jahre “Deutsche Grönland-Expedition Alfred Wegener”
Ries, Christopher J.;
Armchairs, Dogsleds, Ships, and Airplanes: Field Access, Scientific Credibility, and Geological Mapping in Northern and North-Eastern Greenland 1900--1939
Mikanovskij, Evgenij Evgenjevič;
IAnshin, Aleksandr Leonidovich;
Al'fred Vegener 1880--1930
Wutzke, Ulrich;
Das Mylius-Erichsen-Mysterium
C. Leah Devlin;
William Scoresby as an Arctic Physical Oceanographer
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