Article ID: CBB000933035

Science and Morals in the Affective Psychopathology of Philippe Pinel (2010)


Charland, Louis C. (Author)

History of Psychiatry
Volume: 21
Pages: 38--53
Publication date: 2010
Language: English

Building on what he believed was a new `medico-philosophical' method, Philippe Pinel made a bold theoretical attempt to find a place for the passions and other affective posits in psychopathology. However, his courageous attempt to steer affectivity onto the high seas of medical science ran aground on two great reefs that still threaten the scientific status of affectivity today. Epistemologically, there is the elusive nature of the signs and symptoms of affectivity. Ethically, there is the stubborn manner in which fact and value are intermingled in affectivity. Both obstacles posed insuperable difficulties for Pinel, who never really managed to extricate his affective psychopathology from the confines of the Lockean intellectual paradigm.

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Authors & Contributors
Silvano, Giovanni
Berrios, German E.
Beveridge, Allan W.
Engstrom, Eric J.
Helmchen, Hanfried
Hoff, Paul
History of Psychiatry
1650--1850: Ideas, Aesthetics, and Inquiries in the Early Modern Era
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
History of the Human Sciences
Mefisto: Rivista di medicina, filosofia, storia
Franco Angeli
Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung
Zagreb Pabst
Clinical psychology
Mental disorders and diseases
Psychiatric hospitals
Pinel, Philippe
Esquirol, Jean Étienne Dominique
Brierre de Boismont, Alexandre-Jacques-François
Foucault, Michel
Fox, Edward Long
George III, King of England
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
20th century, early
21st century
Great Britain

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