Article ID: CBB000932960

Antiescravismo e epidemia: “O tráfico dos negros considerado como a causa da febre amarela”, de Mathieu François Maxime Audouard, e o Rio de Janeiro em 1850 (2009)


Kodama, Kaori (Author)

História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
Volume: 16
Pages: 515--520
Publication date: 2009
Language: Portuguese

Publication Date: 2009
Edition Details: Article also in English. English title: [Antislavery and Epidemic: Mathieu François Maxime Audouard's “O tráfico dos negros considerado como a causa da febre amarela” and the City of Rio de Janeiro in 1850]

The article "O tráfico de negros considerado como a causa da febre amarela" [The Negro slave trade considered as the cause of yellow fever] , by French physician Mathieu François Maxime Audouard (1776-1856), was published in 1850 in the newspaper O Philantropo, an organ of anti-slave trade propaganda that circulated in Rio de Janeiro from 1849 to 1852, with a number of physicians as members. Translated from the original and published during the yellow fever epidemic that hit Rio de Janeiro, the text affords an opportunity to reflect on the positions about slavery that were held by Brazilian physicians at the time the law against the slave trade was promulgated in Brazil.

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Authors & Contributors
Willoughby, Christopher D. E.
Bastos, Francisco Inácio
Bellido, Jaime Gregorio
Boster, Dea H.
Carula, Karoline
Covey, Herbert C.
História, Ciências, Saúde---Manguinhos
American Historical Review
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Histoire des Sciences Médicales
Princeton University
University of Toronto
Yale University
Tulane University
Florida State University
Lexington Books
African Americans and science
African Americans
Public health
Medicine and race
Du Bois, William Edward B.
Locke, Alain
Washington, Booker Taliaferro
Ribas, Emílio
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century
20th century, early
17th century
21st century
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
United States
Southern states (U.S.)
New Orleans (Louisiana, U.S.)

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