Palmer, Steven Paul (Author)
This article proposes a global history of hookworm disease based on the main scientific publications on hookworm disease (ankylostomiasis) in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and archival sources from the Rockefeller Foundation's International Health Board. The location of hookworm research is explained by the presence of large concentrations of migrant laborers who suffered from serious hookworm disease in frontier regions during the second industrial revolution. This hookworm disease pandemic was not the result of a linear spread of infection. The extraordinary labor conditions in these regions created ideal ecologies for the reproduction of the parasite, leading to levels of infection that produced ankylostomiasis. The major findings in hookworm science came from research-oriented physicians building new institutions of medical science in peripheral nation-states. In a number of Latin American states their work led to treatment programs conceived in national terms that preceded the interest of Rockefeller philanthropy in the disease. The Rockefeller Foundation incorporated these programs in order to launch its International Health hookworm eradication program in 1914.
Anderson, Warwick;
Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Phillipines
Wilkinson, Lise;
Burgeoning Visions of Global Public Health: The Rockefeller Foundation, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the `Hookworm Connection'
Fangerau, Heiner;
Spinning the Scientific Web: Jacques Loeb (1859--1924) und sein Programm einer internationalen biomedizinischen Grundlagenforschung
Palmer, Steven;
Peña Torres, Ligia María;
A Rockefeller Foundation Health Primer for US-Occupied Nicaragua, 1914--1928
Palmer, Steven;
Toward Responsibility in International Health: Death Following Treatment in Rockefeller Hookworm Campaigns, 1914--1934
Jones, Edgar;
Rahman, Shahina;
The Maudsley Hospital and the Rockefeller Foundation: The Impact of Philanthropy on Research and Training
David, Jr. Carey;
Medicine and Health “in the Least Civilized Regions”: Indigenous Healers, Scientific Doctors, and International Interlopers in Twentieth-Century Guatemala and Ecuador
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For All of Humanity: Mesoamerican and Colonial Medicine in Enlightenment Guatemala
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Indian Labour, Labour Standards, and Workers' Health in Burma and Malaya, 1900-1940
Santiago, Myrna;
Work, Home, and Natural Environments: Health and Safety in the Mexican Oil Industry, 1900--1938
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Population Dynamics, Health, and Labor Migration in Micronesia during the Japanese Occupation, 1919--1945
Alice Street;
(December 2016)
The hospital and the hospital: Infrastructure, human tissue, labour and the scientific production of relational value
Marissa Anne Mika;
Research Is Our Resource: Surviving Experiments and Politics at an African Cancer Institute, 1950 to the Present
Mitchell, Piers D.;
Sanitation, Latrines and Intestinal Parasites in Past Populations
Coelho, Philip R. P.;
McGuire, Robert A.;
Racial Differences in Disease Susceptibilities: Intestinal Worm Infections in the Early Twentieth-Century American South
Chaves-Carballo, E.;
The Tropical World of Samuel Taylor Darling: Parasites, Pathology and Philanthropy
Jones, M.;
The Ceylon malaria epidemic of 1934--35: A case study in colonial medicine
Blandin, Gaston;
Le surprenant traitement de la teigne dans un hôpital nantais au début du XXème siècle
Crichton-Harris, Ann;
Poison in Small Measure: Dr. Christopherson and the Cure for Bilharzia
Hochman, Gilberto;
Armus, Diego;
Cuidar, controlar, curar: ensaios históricos sobre saúde e doença na América Latina e Caribe
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