Mrázek, Rudolf (Author)
Abstract This is not a comparison between the colonial isolation camp for the Indonesian Communists and Nationalists at Boven Digoel, New Guinea, and the Nazi concentration camp for the European (including Dutch) Jews in Terezín, Bohemia. It is an effort to place both camps, as two working apparatuses, on the scale of development and refinement of modern technologies of belonging (and destruction); thus, the scale may be more clearly understood. Subchapters---on body and clothing, on hearing, on seeing, and on the urban---suggest that this is an epilogue never written for my 2002 book Engineers of Happy Land: technology and nationalism in a colony.
...MoreDescription Looks at the colonial isolation camp for the Indonesian Communists and Nationalists in New Guinea and the Nazi concentration camp at Terezín.
Article Anderson, Warwick (2009) Re-orienting STS: Emergent Studies of Science, Technology, and Medicine in Southeast Asia. East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal (p. 163).
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