Steeno, Omer P. (Author)
Deruyttere, Michel (Author)
Four iconographic pictures of Andreas Vesalius on glass painted windows, in Rochester, Minnesota, USA; Leuven (Louvain, Belgium); Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA; and Innsbruck (Austria), were made in the period between 1943 and 1956. Recently, we have found in Brugge (Bruges) a much older portrait of Vesalius, in the form of a medallion on glass. It was painted between 1860 and 1870 by Samuel Coucke who had been commissioned by Dr. François Vanden Abeele for the decoration of his medical office.
...MoreDescription On a 19th-century glass painting.
Lanska, Douglas J.;
Vesalius on the Anatomy and Function of the Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves: Medical Illustration and Reintroduction of a Physiological Demonstration from Galen
Jasmine Allen;
The Union of Science and Art: Stained Glass Windows for the South Kensington Museum
Fox, Daniel M.;
Terry, James;
Photography and the self image of American physicians, 1880-1920
Broyer, Claude de;
Decleir, Hugo;
The Belgica Expedition Centennial: Perspectives on Antarctic Science and History
Baal, Anne Hilda van;
In Search of a Cure: The Patients of the Ghent Homoeopathic Physician Gustave A. Van den Berghe (1837--1902)
Bruyneel, Elisabeth;
De Hoge Gezondheidsraad (1849--2009). Schakel Tussen Wetenschap En Volksgezondheid
Vandendriessche, Joris;
Wetenschapsbeoefening en belangenbehartiging: naar een nieuwe geschiedschrijving van negentiende-eeuwse medische genootschappen in de Lage Landen
Tinne Claes;
‘By What Right does the Scalpel Enter the Pauper’s Corpse?’ Dissections and Consent in Late Nineteenth-Century Belgium
Joris Vandendriessche;
Turning Journals into Encyclopaedias: Medical Editorship and Reprinting in the Low Countries (1815–1860)
Joris Vandendriessche;
Medical Societies and Scientific Culture in Nineteenth-century Belgium
Joris Vandendriessche;
Medical societies and scientific culture in nineteenth-century Belgium
Pich, Santiago;
Adolphe Quetelet e a biopolítica como teologia secularizada
Peeters, Evert;
Questioning the Medical Fringe: The “Cultural Doxy” of Catholic Hydropathy in Belgium, 1890--1914
Jacob Murel;
(In)Stability and (Re)Creation in the English Print Reception of Vesalian Anatomical Illustrations: A Material-Hermeneutical and Text Analytic Study in Transnational Early Modern Bibliography
Dániel Margócsy;
Somos, Márk;
Joffe, Stephen N.;
The Fabrica of Andreas Vesalius: A Worldwide Descriptive Census, Ownership, and Annotations of the 1543 and 1555 Editions
Fabio Zampieri;
The University of Padua Medical School from the Origins to the Early Modern Time: A Historical Overview
Fabrizio Bigotti;
Physiology of the Soul: Mind, Body and Matter in the Galenic Tradition of Late Renaissance, 1550-1630
Erika Gielen;
Erika Gielen;Michèle Goyens;
Towards the Authority of Vesalius: Studies on Medicine and the Human Body from Antiquity to the Renaissance and beyond
Philippe Mudry;
La quête du vivant ou une vie de chien. Aspects de l'investigation anatomique d'Alexandrie à Padoue
Nui, Yahua;
A Study on Two Earliest Translations of Western Anatomy
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