Article ID: CBB000932480

Robert Dyer Lyons (1826--1886), Microscopist, Meteorologist, Physician and Parliamentarian (2008)


Breathnach, Caoimhghin S. (Author)

Volume: 14
Pages: 8--12
Publication date: 2008
Language: English

When the attention of Robert Dyer Lyons was drawn to the medical value of the microscope in 1850, he trained himself in its use, and after annually reviewing its recent discoveries he was despatched as chief pathologist to the Army of the East in April 1855. His Report (1856) was a feather in his cap when he returned from the Crimea to Dublin and took up a professorship in the recently founded Catholic University medical school. Popularity as a teacher and success as a physician broadened his interests to national affairs, and he advocated increased funding for university education and re-afforestation. He was elected a Liberal M P for Dublin in 1880 but did not stand for re-election in 1886, the year of his death.

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Authors & Contributors
Zampieri, Fabio
Benedek, Thomas G.
Breathnach, Ciara
Carroll, Lydia
Cassedy, James H.
Chaves-Carballo, E.
Journal of Medical Biography
Earth Sciences History: Journal of the History of the Earth Sciences Society
History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Journal of the History of Dentistry
A. & A. Farmar
Franco Angeli
Imprensa da Universidade
International Specialized Book Services
Matthiesen Verlag
Disease and diseases
Public health
Virchow, Rudolf Carl
Black, Arthur Davenport
Cameron, Charles Alexander
Charcot, Jean Martin
Cohnheim, Julius Friedrich
Darling, Samuel Taylor
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
17th century
18th century
Dublin (Ireland)
Paris (France)
Berlin (Germany)
École de Santé de Paris
Royal Belfast Academical Institution
Catholic University of Ireland (Dublin)
University of Padua

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