Lerner, Michel-Pierre (Author)
Segonds, Alain-Philippe (Author)
The Ad lectorem de hypothesibus huis operis, which was placed at the beginning of Copernicus? book, but which was not of his authorship, has given rise to questions and perplexity ever since its appearance in De revolutionibus in 1543. The typographical presentation of this preliminary piece and its content, in contradiction with the author?s own preface (Praefatio authoris), led the first readers of the De revolutionibus to attribute it to someone other than Copernicus himself. A reader?s notes in the margins of Copernicus? book, as well as various writings published before 1600, show that the identity of the author of the Ad lectorem came to be rapidly known. But it was only in 1609, in the Astronomia nova, that Kepler made public the name of Andreas Osiander. Considered also are the personality of Osiander, and the circumstances which led him to place this text at the beginning of Copernicus? work, as well as the principal reactions triggered by his initiative, both those of approval and of criticism. Finally the question is raised of what Osiander?s tactic may have been, and in conclusion, whether, looking back, he was successful, or not, in adopting it.
Jardine, Nicholas;
Segonds, Alain Philippe;
La guerre des astronomes: la querelle au sujet de l'origine du système géo-héliocentrique à la fin du XVIe siècle
Lerner, Michel-Pierre;
Aux origines de la polémique anticopernicienne (II). Martin Luther, Andreas Osiander et Philipp Melanchthon
Goddu, André;
Ptolemy, Copernicus, and Kepler on Linear Distances
Michel-Pierre Lerner;
De Copernic à Galilée: brève histoire d'une condamnation
Krafft, Fritz;
Astronomie und Weltbild zwischen Copernicus, Kepler und Newton
Methuen, Charlotte;
On the Threshold of a New Age: Expanding Horizons as the Broader Context of Biblical Interpretation
Folkerts, Menso;
Kühne, Andreas;
Astronomy as a Model for the Sciences in Early Modern Times: Papers from the International Symposium, Munich, 10--12 March 2003
Fara, Patricia;
Tycho Brahe: Emperor of Hven and the Heavens
Essay Review
Andrea Gualandi;
L'astronomo e il filologo, l'onore e le fonti: Keplero arbitro nella sfida tra Tycho e Ursus
Essay Review
Di Liscia, Daniel A.;
Text, Context, and Conflict in Early Modern Cosmology
Goddu, André;
Copernicus's Mereological Vision of the Universe
Natacha Fabbri;
Federica Favino;
Copernicus Banned: The Entangled Matter of the anti-Copernican Decree of 1616
Moss, Jean Dietz;
Novelties in the heavens: Rhetoric and science in the Copernican controversy
Danielson, Dennis Richard;
“Paradise Lost” and the Cosmological Revolution
Édouard Mehl;
Nicolas Roudet;
Le temps des astronomes: L’astronomie et la décompte du temps de Pierre d’Ailly à Newton
Minguez, Carlos;
Sobre el valor de las matemáticas: Juan Luis Vives y el Prefacio de Osiander
Judy A. Hayden;
Literature in the Age of Celestial Discovery: From Copernicus to Flamsteed
Feingold, Mordechai;
Navarro Brotóns, Víctor;
Universities and Science in the Early Modern Period
Finocchiaro, Maurice A;
Defending Copernicus and Galileo: Critical Reasoning in the Two Affairs
Michel Blay;
Copernic est-il 'copernicien'?
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