Article ID: CBB000930694

How Could a Scientist Become a National Celebrity? Nationalism and Hwang Woo-Suk Scandal (2008)


Kim, Tae-Ho (Author)

East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Volume: 2
Pages: 27--45
Publication date: 2008
Language: English

In Korea, scientific excellence has been perceived as one of the key elements of modern nation-building. Moreover, from the late 1990s to the early 2000s, the government represented biotechnology as the future engine of the economy. Hwang succeeded in representing himself as the hero of Korean science by appropriating the public eagerness for scientific achievement. However, he relied on nationalist rhetoric too often against criticisms, which eventually made a considerable part of the public turn skeptical about his integrity. Although various forms of techno-nationalism are still pervasive in Korea, Hwang's scandal has given a valuable chance for reflection on the relationship of science and nationalism. Keywords Hwang Woo-Suk - Scientific misconduct - Nationalism - Techno-nationalism - Science and nation-building

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Authors & Contributors
Ash, Mitchell G.
Chen, Nancy N.
Döṣemeci, Mehmet
Fahy, Sandra
Filipowicz, Witold
Ito, Kenji
East Asian Science, Technology and Society: An International Journal
Comparative Studies in Society and History
Contemporary European History
Diplomatic History
Food, Culture and Society
Historical Research: The Bulletin of the Institute of Historical Research
Palgrave Macmillan
Duke University Press
Rowman & Littlefield
University of Chicago Press
University of Nebraska Press
National identity
Science and politics
Technology and economics
Nishina, Yoshio
Priestley, Joseph
Shatkin, Aaron J.
Time Periods
20th century, late
20th century, early
19th century
18th century
20th century
21st century
United States
North Korea
South Korea
Great Britain
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT
Habsburg, House of
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
East Asian Biosphere Reserve Network

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