Fickers, Andreas (Author)
Design as Mediating Interface: Historical Evidence and Symbolic Enunciation of the Radio Set. - Based on a case study on the invention of the radio station scale in the late 1920's and early 1930's, this article pleads for an interdisciplinary look at the importance of design as a mediating interface in the production-consumption junction. In this cultural history perspective on technology, the material artifact matters both as a witness of and a sign for the symbolic meaning and appropriation of the technical object, which transgresses the functional logic of instrumental rationality. In presenting five different perspectives on design offering some alternative looks for a cultural history of technology, this theoretically inspired essay wants to sound the critical potential of a multilayered semantic approach to the radio apparatus as a prominent representation of a radical innovation in media technology.
Gethmann, Daniel;
The Aesthetics of the Signal: Noise Research in Long-Wave Radio Communications
Vaillant, Derek W.;
At the Speed of Sound: Techno-Aesthetic Paradigms in U.S.--French International Broadcasting, 1925--1942
Hans-Joachim Braun;
Sounding Objects, Collaborative Creators, Improvising Engineers: Suggestions for Research (Essay)
Kendall Milar Thompson;
I, Robot: Nikola Tesla's Telautomaton
Regal, Brian;
Radio: The Life Story of a Technology
Lenthall, Bruce;
Radio's America: The Great Depression and the Rise of Modern Mass Culture
Winkler, Jonathan Reed;
Wiring the World: United States Foreign Policy and Global StrategicCommunications, 1914--1921
Arceneaux, Noah;
Wanamaker's Department Store and the Origins of Electronic Media, 1910--1922
Wurtzler, Steve J.;
Electric Sounds: Technological Change and the Rise of Corporate Mass Media
Slotten, Hugh R.;
Radio's Hidden Voice: Noncommercial Broadcasting, Extension Education, and State Universities during the 1920s
Frost, Gary Lewis;
Early FM Radio: Incremental Technology in Twentieth-Century America
Lerone A. Martin;
Preaching on Wax: The Phonograph and the Shaping of Modern African American Religion
Lovell, Stephen;
How Russia Learned to Listen: Radio and the Making of Soviet Culture
John Norman Alekna;
Reunified through Radio: Media, Technology, and Politics in Modern China 1923–1958
Tom Lewis;
Empire of the Air: The Men who Made Radio
Ross, Corey;
Media and the Making of Modern Germany: Mass Communications, Society, and Politics from the Empire to the Third Reich
Balbi, Gabriele;
Radio before Radio: Araldo Telefonico and the Invention of Italian Broadcasting
Ketterer, Ralf;
Funken---Wellen---Radio: zur Einführung eines technischen Konsumartikels durch die deutsche Rundfunkindustrie 1923--1939
Anduaga, Aitor;
Wireless and Empire: Geopolitics, Radio Industry, and Ionosphere in the British Empire, 1918--1939
Vitaly Gorokhov;
The Historical Development of Radar Science and Technology as the prelude to the Modern Information Revolution
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