Cassier, Maurice (Author)
When Pasteur and Chamberland hastily set up their small biological industry to meet the agricultural demand for the anthrax vaccine, their methods for preparation and production had not yet been stabilized. The process of learning how to standardize biological products was accelerated in 1882 when vaccination accidents required the revision of production norms as the first hypotheses on fixity, inalterability, and transportability of vaccines were invalidated and replaced by procedures for continuous monitoring of the calibration of vaccines and the renewal of vaccine strains. Initially, the incompleteness and ongoing development of production standards justified Pasteur's monopoly on the production of the anthrax vaccine under his immediate supervision. Later on, the Pasteur Institute maintained control of these standards in the framework of a commercial monopoly that it established on the veterinary vaccines first sent and then cultivated abroad by the Société de Vulgarisation du Vaccin Charbonneux Pasteur, founded in 1886.
Gachelin, Gabriel;
The Designing of Anti-Diphtheria Serotherapy at the Institut Pasteur (1888--1900): The Role of a Supranational Network of Microbiologists
Cassier, Maurice;
Appropriation and Commercialization of the Pasteur Anthrax Vaccine
Simon, Jonathan;
The Origin of the Production of Diphtheria Antitoxin in France, between Philanthropy and Commerce
Stark, James F.;
Anthrax and Australia in a Global Context: The International Exchange of Theories and Practices with Britain and France, c. 1850--1920
Gilfoyle, Daniel;
Anthrax in South Africa: Economics, Experiment and the Mass Vaccination of Animals, c. 1910--1945
Simon, Jonathan;
Monitoring the Stable at the Pasteur Institute
Allen, Arthur;
Vaccine: The Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver
Hüntelmann, Axel C.;
The Dynamics of Wertbestimmung
Essay Review
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul;
The pharmaceutical industry in the biotech century: Toward a history of science, technology and business?
Benedetta Campanile;
La profilassi diretta e indiretta delle infezioni degli equini nella Prima guerra mondiale
Bonah, Christian;
Packaging BCG: Standardizing an Anti-Tuberculosis Vaccine in Interwar Europe
Balz, Viola;
Hoheisel, Matthias;
East-Side Story: The Standardisation of Psychotropic Drugs at the Charité Psychiatric Clinic, 1955--1970
Anderson, Stuart;
From “Bespoke” to “Off-the-Peg”: Community Pharmacists and the Retailing of Medicines in Great Britain 1900 to 1970
Gaudillière, Jean-Paul;
Introduction: Drug Trajectories
Pieters, Toine;
Snelders, Stephen;
Standardizing Psychotropic Drugs and Drug Practices in the Twentieth Century: Paradox of Order and Disorder
Alessandro Demichelis;
Understanding vaccine hesitancy: Cognitive biases and the role of trust
Bragesjö, Fredrik;
Hallberg, Margareta;
Dilemmas of a Vitalizing Vaccine Market: Lessons from the MMR Vaccine/Autism Debate
Reid-Henry, Simon;
The Cuban Cure: Reason and Resistance in Global Science
Valentina Gazzaniga;
Silvia Marinozzi;
De Carbone, Sive Carbuncolo. Il Carbonchio nella Pubblicistica Italiana dalla Restaurazione all'Unità
Bucchi, Massimiano;
The public science of Louis Pasteur: The experiment on anthrax vaccine in the popular press of the time
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