Article ID: CBB000770472

Opportunity on the Edge of Orthodoxy: Medically Qualified Hydropathists in the Era of Reform, 1840--60 (2001)


Bradley, James G. (Author)
Dupree, Marguerite Wright (Author)

Social History of Medicine
Volume: 14
Pages: 417--437
Publication date: 2001
Language: English

SUMMARY Following the lead of the Lancet's attacks in the 1840s, historians have considered hydropathy and hydropathists in Britain as part of fringe or heterodox medicine. Yet the distance between varieties of orthodox theory and practice and hydropathy was small, and many of the most prominent hydropathists held orthodox views and qualifications. Examining the educational backgrounds and careers of 40 early British hydropathists, the authors suggest that hydropathy and hydropathic establishments, like specialist hospitals, asylums, and spa practice, provided an alternative niche to general practice in the crowded British medical market and a way to `fame and fortune' for medical men outside the metropolitan élite.

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Authors & Contributors
Durie, Alastair J.
Adams, Jane M.
Boisseuil, Didier
Bradley, James G.
Coste, Joël
Dixon, Michael F.
Medizin, Gesellschaft, und Geschichte
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Journal of Medical Biography
Journal of the History of the Neurosciences
Social History of Medicine
CNRS Éditions
History Press
Manchester University Press
Oxford University Press
Rutgers University Press
Therapeutic practice; therapy; treatment
Alternative medicine
Disease and diseases
Aurelianus, Caelius
Darwin, Charles Robert
Dickens, Charles
Hahnemann, Christian Friedrich Samuel
Kneipp, Sebastian
Time Periods
19th century
18th century
20th century, early
20th century
Great Britain
Rome (Italy)
United States
Ontario (Canada)

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