Chapter ID: CBB000760474

Concepts of Impetus and the History of Mechanics (2008)


Sarnowsky, Jürgen (Author)

Pages: 121-148
Publication date: 2008
Language: English

Included in

Book Laird, Walter Roy; Roux, Sophie (2008) Mechanics and Natural Philosophy before the Scientific Revolution. unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Vilain, Christiane
Aichele, Alexander
Bertoloni Meli, Domenico
Bloem, Annelies
Celeyrette, Jean
De Groot, Jean
Revue d'Histoire des Sciences
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Annalen der Physik
Archive for History of Exact Sciences
British Journal for the History of Science
Cambridge University Press
American Elsevier
Motion (physical)
Natural laws
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
Descartes, René
Bradwardine, Thomas
Galilei, Galileo
Newton, Isaac
Time Periods
17th century
18th century
16th century
19th century
Paris (France)

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