Chapter ID: CBB000651332

The Heliocentric “Heresy”: From Suspicion to Condemnation (2005)


Lerner, Michel-Pierre (Author)

Pages: 11-37
Publication date: 2005
Language: English

Included in

Book McMullin, Ernan (2005) The Church and Galileo. unapi

Citation URI

This citation is part of the Isis database.

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Authors & Contributors
Lerner, Michel-Pierre
Mayer, Thomas F.
Biro, Jacqueline
Blumenthal, Geoffrey
Brambilla, Elena
Bucciantini, Massimo
Bruniana & Campanelliana: Ricerche Filosofiche e Materiali Storico-testuali
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
Journal for the History of Astronomy
British Journal for the History of Science
Early Science and Medicine: A Journal for the Study of Science, Technology and Medicine in the Pre-modern Period
Science in Context
Carocci Editore
Instytut Historii Nauki Polskiej Akademii Nauk
Leo S. Olschki
Les Belles Lettres
Verlag Dr. Müller
Science and religion
Roman Catholic Church
Copernicus, Nicolaus
Galilei, Galileo
Bruno, Giordano
Kepler, Johannes
Brahe, Tycho
Rheticus, Georg Joachim
Time Periods
16th century
17th century
15th century
Early modern
Great Britain
Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
Oxford University

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