Creager, Angela N. H. (Author)
Johns, Adrian (Author)
Sophie A. De Beaune;
Alessandro Guidi;
Oscar Moro Abadia;
Massimo Tarantini;
New Advances in the History of Archaeology: Proceedings of the XVIII Uispp World Congress 4-9 June 2018, Paris, France Sessions Organised by the ... of the XVIII Uispp World Congress, 16)
Giedrė Miknienė;
Birutė Railienė;
Baltic Conferences on History of Science: Documenting the History of Science of the Baltic Countries in 1958–2019
The 49th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan
Mayer, A. K.;
Fatal Mutilations: Educationism and the British Background to the 1931 International Congress for the History of Science and Technology
The 46th Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan
Hessen, Boris;
Les racines sociales et économiques des Principia de Newton: une rencontre entre Newton et Marx à Londres en 1931
The 2000 Annual General Meeting: Program and Abstracts
Furukawa, Yasu;
Kikuchi, Yoshiyuki;
Report on the XXI Interantional Congress of History of Science, Mexico City
Zhang, Bai-chun;
Two Plans for Developing the Discipline of History of Science and Technology in the 1950s: Draft of a 12-Year Long-range Plan for the Study of History of Chinese Science and Technology (1956) and Programme for Promoting the Study of History of Science During 1958-1967 (A Draft)
Tomasz Pudłocki;
Konferencja naukowa poświęcona pamięci prof. Andrzeja Gawrońskiego (Przemyśl, 1 kwietnia 2016 r.) / Scientific conference dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrzej Gawroński in Przemyśl (1 April, 2016)
Parshall, Karen Hunger;
The International Commission for the History of Mathematics (ICHM): An Introduction and a Call to the International Community of Historians of Mathematics
The 2001 Annual General Meeting
Tomasz Pudłocki;
Konferencja naukowa z okazji 200. rocznicy powstania Towarzystwa Naukowego Krakowskiego / Scientific Conference on the Occasion of the 200th Anniversary of the Foundation of the Kraków Learned Society
Christine von Oertzen;
Simon Werrett;
History of Science Society Annual Meeting, 2019
Tim Boon;
Charlotte Sleigh;
Two BSHS Online Alternatives to Conventional Conferences
Patrícia Martins Marcos;
Sarah E. Naramore;
Myrna Perez Sheldon;
Sarah Pickman;
Sarah A. Qidwai;
Kathleen Sheppard;
HSS Virtual Forum: Futures Series
Megan Piorko;
Marieke Hendriksen;
Simon Werrett;
Alchemical Practice: Looking Towards the Chemical Humanities
Ramunas Kondratas;
The Annual Meeting of the Lithuanian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science
Schávelzon, Daniel;
The First Congress on the History of Archaeology in Latin America (México, 1984): Between an Argentine Tango and a Mexican Corrido
The Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society of Japan
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