Book ID: CBB000550412

Women and Science: Social Impact and Interaction (2004)


Sheffield, Suzanne Le-May (Author)

Publication date: 2004
Language: English

Publication Date: 2004
Physical Details: xxxv + 409 pp.; ill.; bibl.; index

Reviewed By

Review Rensing, Susan (2008) Review of "Women and Science: Social Impact and Interaction". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (p. 386). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Ayres, Peter G.
Bartsch, Ingrid
Des Jardins, Julie
Favino, Federica
Fedigan, Linda Marie
Hamlin, Kimberly Ann
Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Science Communication
Spontaneous Generations
Women's History Review
Encyclopedia of the History of Science
West Virginia University
Cornell University Press
Feminist Press at the City University of New York
Oxford University Press
Science and gender
Women in science
Science and society
Barber, Mary Elizabeth
Carson, Rachel Louise
Curie, Marie Sklodowska
Darwin, Charles Robert
Franklin, Rosalind
Gilman, Charlotte Perkins
Time Periods
19th century
20th century
20th century, early
18th century
20th century, late
17th century
United States
Great Britain
Rome (Italy)

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