Shepherd, Michael (Editor)
Description Contents: Michael Shepherd, Introduction; Adrian Bertoluzzi, Marsilio Ficino - A Man for All Seasons; Clement Salaman, A man of compassion; Arthur Farndell, In Praise of the One---Marsilio Ficino and Advaita; Linda Proud, Fellow Philosophers; Valery Rees, Ficino's Influence in Europe; Joseph Milne, Ficino on the Nature of Love and the Beautiful; Geoffrey Pearce, Ficino and Astrology; Pamela Tudor-Craig, Ficino and Portraiture; Jenifer Capper, Dean Colet; Jill Line, Ficino and Shakespeare; John Stewart Allitt, Music and Marsilio Ficino; Leslie Blake, Ficino on Law and Justice; Patricia Gillies, Translating Ficino; Thomas Moore, Marsilio Ficino: Magus and Cultural Visionary; Charlotte Mendes Da Costa, Marsilio Ficino and Medicine; Noel Cobb, A Little Lesson in “Counter-Education”: A Dialogue with the Ghost of Ficino on the Theme of Psychotherapy; David Boddy, Marsilio Ficino on Leadership; Peter Serracino-Inglott, Ficino's Message to the Church Today.
Denis J.-J. Robichaud;
Plato's Persona: Marsilio Ficino, Renaissance Humanism, and Platonic Traditions
Vojtech Hladký;
The Philosophy of Gemistos Plethon: Platonism in Late Byzantium, between Hellenism and Orthodoxy
Jonathan Regier;
Ficino on the Exalted and Suffering Body : Comparing the Platonic Theology and On the Christian Religion
H. Darrel Rutkin;
Dancing with the Stars: a Preliminary Exploration as to whether the Astrology in Marsilio Ficino’s De vita is Theurgical
Maria Vittoria Comacchi;
Yehudah Abarbanel’s Astromythology’: in the Footsteps of Marsilio Ficino’s prisca theologia
Clucas, Stephen;
Forshaw, Peter J.;
Rees, Valery;
Laus Platonici Philosophi: Marsilio Ficino and His Influence
Allen, Michael J. B.;
At Variance: Marsilio Ficino, Platonism and Heresy
Teodoro Katinis;
Sulle fonti aristoteliche e platoniche del "Consilio contro la pestilentia" di Ficino
Fraenckel, Carlos;
On the Concept and History of Philosophical Religions
Dario Gurashi;
The Stargazing Physician. How to read Agrippa’s Astrological Calendar
Celenza, Christopher S.;
Piety and Pythagoras in Renaissance Florence: The Symbolum Nesianum
Rees, Valery;
Philosophy on the Defensive: Marsilio Ficino’s Response in a Time of Religious Turmoil
Maurizio Campanelli;
Marsilio Ficino’s Portrait of Hermes Trismegistus and Its Afterlife
d'Onofrio, Giulio;
L'anima dei Platonici: Per una storia del paradigma gnoseologico platonico-cristiano fra Rinascimento, tarda Antichità e alto Medioevo
Giuliano Gasparri;
La messa all’Indice delle opere di Henry More (1695-1697)
Teske, Roland J.;
The Heaven of Heaven and the Unity of St. Augustine's Confessions
Essay Review
Emanuela Scribano;
Attorno a Steven Nadler
Steven Nadler;
The Best of All Possible Worlds: A Story of Philosophers, God, and Evil
Giuliano Gasparri;
Documenti sulla messa all’Indice delle opere di Henry More (1698-1703)
Condren, Conal;
Gaukroger, Stephen;
Hunter, Ian;
The Philosopher in Early Modern Europe: The Nature of a ContestedIdentity
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