Erickson, Paul A. (Editor)
Murphy, Liam Donat (Editor)
Description Readings include: Section One: Nineteenth-Century Foundations and Forerunners. Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: “Bourgeois and Proletarians,” from The Communist Manifesto. Edward Burnett Tylor: “The Science of Culture,” from Primitive Culture. Lewis Henry Morgan: “Ethnical Periods,” from Ancient Society. Herbert Spencer: “Organic Analogy Reconsidered,” from On Social Evolution. Charles Darwin: “General Summary and Conclusion,” from The Descent of Man. Émile Durkheim: “Introduction,” from The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life. Sigmund Freud: “Section III,” from Civilization and Its Discontents. Section Two: The Early Twentieth Century: Anthropology Comes of Age. Franz Boas: “The Methods of Ethnology,” from Race, Language and Culture. Robert Lowie: “Conclusion,” from Primitive Society. Alfred Louis Kroeber: “What Anthropology Is About,” from Anthropology. Margaret Mead: “Introduction,”" from Coming of Age in Samoa. Ruth Benedict: “The Individual and the Pattern of Culture,” from Patterns of Culture. Edward Sapir: “The Unconscious Patterning of Behavior in Society,” from Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality. Alfred Reginald Radcliffe-Brown: “Social Structure,” from Method in Social Anthropology. Bronislaw Malinowski: “Introduction,” from Argonauts of the Western Pacific. Meyer Fortes; E. E. Evans-Pritchard: “Introduction,” from African Political Systems. Max Weber: “The Sociology of Charismatic Authority,” from Domestic Economy and Society. Section Three: Anthropology at MidLife (c.1950-1980). Max Gluckman: “The Utility of the Equilibrium Model in the Study of Social Change,” from American Anthropologist. Claude Lévi-Strauss: “The Scope of Anthropology [abridged]”. Edmund Leach: “Structuralism in Social Anthropology,” from Structuralism, D. Robey, ed. Clifford Geertz: “Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture,” from The Interpretation of Cultures. Victor Turner: “Symbols in Ndembu Ritual,” from The Forest of Symbols. Marvin Harris: “The Epistemology of Cultural Materialism,” from Cultural Materialism. Leslie White: “Energy and Tools,” from The Evolution of Culture. Section Four: The Late Twentieth Century and Beyond Discussion. Section Four: Fin-de-Siecle (c.1980-c.2000). Marshall Sahlins: “Introduction” and “Critique of the Vulgar Sociobiology,” from The Use and Abuse of Biology. Derek Freeman: “Mead's Misconstruing of Samoa,” from Margaret Mead and Samoa. Eric R. Wolf: “Introduction,” from Europe and the People Without History. Michael Taussig: “History as Commodity in Some Recent American (Anthropological) Literature,” from Critique of Anthropology. Sidney W. Mintz; Eric R. Wolf: “Reply to Michael Taussig,” from Critique of Anthropology. Michel Foucault: “Truth and Power,”" from The Foucault Reader. Pierre Bourdieu: “Structures, Habitus and Practices,” from Outline of a Theory of Practice. Marilyn Strathern: “Self-Image and the Social Good: Some Implications of Hagen Gender Imaging,” from Sexual Meanings: The Cultural Construction of Gender and Sexuality. Benedict Anderson: “Cultural Roots,”" from Imagined Communities. James Clifford: “Introduction: Partial Truths,” from Writing Culture: The Poetics and Politics of Ethnography. George E. Marcus; Michael M. J. Fischer: “A Crisis in Representation in the Human Sciences,” from Anthropology as Cultural Critique. Sherry B. Ortner: “Theory in Anthropology Since the Sixties,” from Culture/Power/History: A Reader in Contemporary Theory.
Banks, Marcus;
Ruby, Jay;
Made to Be Seen: Perspectives on the History of Visual Anthropology
Axel, Brian Keith;
Forests of Citation: Concluding Unauthorized Postscript to Figured Fragments of Bernard S. Cohn's “History and Anthropology: The State of Play”
Darnell, Regna;
Invisible Genealogies: A History of Americanist Anthropology
Adam Fulton Johnson;
Documenting the multisensory and ephemeral: Navajo Chantway singers and the troubles of a “science” of ceremonialism
Savoskul, S. S.;
A Few Notes on the History and Current Progress of Homeland Ethnology and Anthropology (Concerning the Publication of the Book “The Outstanding Homeland Ethnologists and Anthropologists of the XXth Century”)
Kronfeldner, Maria E.;
“If there is nothing beyond the organic...” Heredity and Culture at the Boundaries of Anthropology in the Work of Alfred L. Kroeber
Pezzati, Alessandro;
Adventures in Photography: Expeditions of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology
Mills, David;
Difficult Folk? A Political History of Social Anthropology
Nock, David A.;
Stephen Leacock: The Not-So-Funny Story of His Evolutionary Ethnology and Canada's First Peoples
Alessandra Cerea;
Natura, psiche e cultura. Dal “ragazzo selvaggio” all’etnopsicoanalisi
Segal, Daniel A.;
Yanagisako, Sylvia J.;
Unwrapping the Sacred Bundle: Reflections on the Disciplining of Anthropology
Patterson, Thomas Carl;
Karl Marx, Anthropologist
Nicholls, Angus;
Anglo-German Mythologics: The Australian Aborigines and Modern Theories of Myth in the Work of Baldwin Spencer and Carl Strehlow
Tunkina, I. V.;
On the Fate of G. F. Miller's Manuscript Collection
Jeater, Diana;
Law, Language, and Science: The Invention of the “Native Mind” in Southern Rhodesia, 1890--1930
Nurse, Andrew;
The Ambiguities of Disciplinary Professionalization: The State and Cultural Dynamics of Canadian Inter-war Anthropology
Biehn, Kersten Jacobson;
“Monkeys, Babies, Idiots” and “Primitives”: Nature-Nurture Debates and Philanthropic Foundation Support for American Anthropology in the 1920s and 1930s
Bartholeyns, Gil;
L'enjeu du vêtement au Moyen Age: de l'anthropologie ordinaire à la raison sociale (XIIIe-XIVe siècle)
Graulund, Rune;
From (B)edouin to (A)borigine: The Myth of the Desert Noble Savage
Weeks, John M.;
The Carnegie Maya II: The Carnegie Institution of Washington, Current Reports, 1952--1957
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