Book ID: CBB000079072

Science and the construction of women (1997)


Maynard, Mary (Editor)

UCL Press
Publication date: 1997

Publication Date: 1997
Physical Details: vii + 193 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Maynard, Mary: Revolutionizing the subject: Women's studies and the sciences. Rose, Hilary: Good-bye truth, hello trust: Prospects for feminist science and technology studies at the Millennium? Lane, Nancy J.: Women in science, engineering and technology: The rising tide report and beyond. Swarbrick, Ailsa: Against the odds: Women developing a commitment to technology. Barr, Jean, Birke, Lynda: Women, science and adult education: Toward a feminist curriculum? Sim, Cecilia Ng Choon, Hensman, Rohini: Science and technology: Friends or enemies of women? Scott, Anne: The knowledge in our bones: Standpoint theory, alternative health and the quantum model of the body. Spallone, Pat: Technologies of reproduction: Why women's issues make a difference. Sourbut, Elizabeth: Reproductive technologies and lesbian parents: An unnatural alliance? Wolmark, Jenny: Rethinking bodies and boundaries: Science fiction, cyberpunk and cyberspace.

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