Article ID: CBB000077039

“Method” versus “Manner”? Kant's critique of Herder's Ideen in the light of the epoch of science, 1790-1820 (1998)


Zammito, John H. (Author)

Herder Jahrbuch
Pages: 1-25
Publication date: 1998

Citation URI

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Authors & Contributors
Aquila, Richard E.
Brittan, Gordon G., Jr.
Butts, Robert E.
Da Costa Gomes, Paulo Cesar
Heinz, Marion
Henke, Ernst
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Goethe Jahrbuch
Herder Jahrbuch
Intellectual History Review
Philosophisches Jahrbuch
Scientia Poetica: Jahrbuch für Geschichte der Literatur und der Wissenschaften
Indiana University Press
Princeton University Press
Natural history
Philosophy of science
Kant, Immanuel
Herder, Johann Gottfried
Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
Forster, Georg
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Humboldt, Wilhelm von
Time Periods
18th century
19th century

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