Book ID: CBB000076594

Margaret Cavendish and the exiles of the mind (1998)


Battigelli, Anna (Author)

University Press of Kentucky
Publication date: 1998

Publication Date: 1998
Physical Details: xii + 180 pp.; notes; bibl.; index

Description Partial contents: 3: World and mind in conflict: Cavendish's review of the new atomism. 5: Rationalism versus experimentalism: Cavendish's satire of the Royal Society.

Reviewed By

Review Mendelson, S. H. (1999) Review of "Margaret Cavendish and the exiles of the mind". Albion (p. 652). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Hunter, Michael Cyril William
Hall, Marie Boas
Sarasohn, Lisa Tunick
Gómez López, Susana
Hunter, Lynette
Hutton, Sarah
Notes and Records: The Royal Society Journal of the History of Science
History of Science
British Journal for the History of Philosophy
British Journal for the History of Science
Endeavour: Review of the Progress of Science
Huntington Library Quarterly
British Society for the History of Science
Texas A&M University
Boydell Press
Libraries and archives
Science and gender
Experiments and experimentation
Women in science
Cavendish, Margaret, Duchess of Newcastle
Hooke, Robert
Boyle, Robert
Time Periods
17th century
British Isles
Great Britain
Royal Society of London

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