Hayward, Oliver S. (Author)
Putnam, Constance E. (Author)
Review Berman, P.E. (1999) Review of "Improve, perfect and perpetuate: Dr. Nathan Smith and early American medical education. Foreword by C. Everett Koop. Introduction by Philip Cash". Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences (pp. 332-33).
Review Kass, A.M. (1999) Review of "Improve, perfect and perpetuate: Dr. Nathan Smith and early American medical education. Foreword by C. Everett Koop. Introduction by Philip Cash". New England Quarterly (pp. 134-36).
Putnam, Constance;
Fascinated by Fevers: Nathan Smith (1762--1829), Early American Doctor
Lieburg, M.J. van;
De betekenis van het Rijksathenaeum te Franeker (1815-1844) voor de medische en farmaceutische beroepsopleiding. (The significance of the Rijksathenaeum at Franeker for medical and pharmaceutical vocational education.)
P. Willey;
Gary Plank;
Douglas D. Scott;
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Seventh Cavalry
Kaufman, Martin;
American medical education: The formative years, 1765-1910
Helmholtz, Hermann von;
Letters of Hermann von Helmholtz to his parents: The medical education of a German scientist, 1837-1846. Edited by Cahan, David
Peterson, M. Jeanne;
Specialist journals and professional rivalries in Victorian medicine
Esther Diana;
Il Medico Architetto: una nuova professionalità per la modernizzazione dell'ospedale Ottocentesco. Il caso fiorentino
Barblan, Marc-A.;
La santé publique vue par les rédacteurs de la Bibliothèque Britannique (1796-1815): Contribution à l'étude des relations intellectuelles et scientifiques entre Genève et l'Angleterre
Monnais-Rousselot, Laurence;
Cook, Harold John;
Global Movements, Local Concerns: Medicine and Health in Southeast Asia
Laurinda Abreu;
Tensions between the Físico-Mor and the University of Coimbra: The Accreditation of Medical Practitioners in Ancien-Regime Portugal
Driggers, Edward Allen, Jr.;
Boundary Stones: Morbid Concretions and the Chemistry of Early Nineteenth Century Medicine
Raffaele Domenici;
Il primo Stato a decretare l’obbligatorietà vaccinale contro il vaiolo: Il Principato di Lucca e Piombino (1806)
Andrea Cozza;
La nascita della attuale medicina cardiovascolare nella Belle Époque
Risse, Guenter B.;
“Philosophical” medicine in 19th century Germany: An episode in the relations between philosophy and medicine
Tim Carter;
Merchant Seamen's Health, 1860-1960: Medicine, Technology, Shipowners and the State in Britain
Terlouw, Thomas J.A.;
Niets dan een handlanger, in alles aan den geneesheer ondergeschikt: Wederwaardigheden van zich emanciperende heilgymnasten in Nederland eind negentiende eeuw. (A mere assistant, in every respect subordinate to the physician: Vicissitudes of emancipating “heilgymnasten” in the Netherlands in the late 19th century)
Franco Rostano;
Edouard Rostan, medico valdese dell’Ottocento
Sally Frampton;
Belly-Rippers, Surgical Innovation and the Ovariotomy Controversy
Barry Kennerk;
Catholic Unionism and Heterodoxy in Irish Victorian Medicine: A Biography of Thomas More Madden (1838–1902)
Philipp Osten;
Das Tor zur Seele: Schlaf, Somnambulismus und Hellsehen im frühen 19. Jahrhundert
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