Book ID: CBB000075344

Naked science: Anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge (1996)


Nader, Laura (Editor)

Publication date: 1996

Publication Date: 1996
Physical Details: xvi + 318 pp.; notes; bibl.; index

Description Contents: Nader, Laura: Introduction: Anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge. Goodenough, Ward H.: Navigation in the western Carolines: A traditional science. Berlin, E.A. (et al.): The scientific basis of gastrointestinal herbal medicine among the Highland Maya of Chiapas, Mexico. Scott, Colin: Science for the West, myth for the rest? The case of James Bay Cree knowledge construction. Lave, Jean: The savagery of the domestic mind. Claeson, Bjorn (et al.): Scientific literacy, what it is, why it's important, and why scientists think we don't have it: The case of immunology and the immune system. Duster, Troy: The prism of heritability and the sociology of knowledge. Gusterson, Hugh: Nuclear weapons testing: Scientific experiment as political ritual. Schwartz, Charles: Political structuring of the institution of science. Fujimura, Joan H., Fortun, Michael: Constructing knowledge across social worlds: The case of DNA sequence databases in molecular biology. Traweek, Sharon: Kokusaika, Gaiatsu, and Bachigai: Japanese physicists' strategies for moving into the international political economy of science. Smith, M. Estellie: Public policy, sciencing, and managing the future. Bielawski, Ellen: Inuit indigenous knowledge and science in the Arctic. Jacobson, David, Ziegler, Charles A.: Popular delusions and scientific models: Conflicting beliefs of scientists and nonscientist administrators in the creation of a secret nuclear surveillance system. Asquith, Pamela J.: Japanese science and western hegemonies: Primatology and the limits set to questions. Nader, Laura: The three-cornered constellation: Magic, science, and religion revisited.

Reviewed By

Review Frank, A.G. (1998) Review of "Naked science: Anthropological inquiry into boundaries, power, and knowledge". Social Epistemology (pp. 321-34). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Knorr-Cettina, Karin D.
Yearley, Steven
Brante, Thomas
Callon, Michel
Chu, Ellen W.
Chubin, Daryl E.
Annals of Science: The History of Science and Technology
British Journal of Sociology
Perspectives on Science
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science
Éditions La Découverte
Indiana University Press
Kluwer Academic
Macmillan of Australia
Sociology of knowledge
Philosophy of science
Fleck, Ludwik
Latour, Bruno
Pujiula, Jaime
Serres, Michel
Stengers, Isabelle
Time Periods
20th century
20th century, late
21st century

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