Book ID: CBB000070131

The codification of medical morality: Historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of western medical morality in the 18th and 19th centuries (1995)


Baker, Robert B. (Editor)

Kluwer Academic
Publication date: 1995

Publication Date: 1995
Edition Details: Volume 2: Anglo-American medical ethics and medical jurisprudence in the 19th century.
Physical Details: x + 238 pp.; notes; index

Description Contents: Baker, Robert: An introduction to the Boston medical police of 1808. Baker, Robert: The historical context of the American Medical Association's 1847 Code of Ethics. Reiser, Stanley Joel: Creating a medical profession in the United States: The first Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association. Beauchamp, Tom L.: Worthington Hooker on ethics in clinical medicine. Veatch, Robert M.: Diverging traditions: Professional and religious medical ethics of the 19th century. Burns, Chester: Reciprocity in the development of Anglo-American medical ethics, 1765-1865. Bartrip, Peter: An introduction to Jukes Styrap's A code of medical ethics (1878). Crowther, M. Anne: Forensic medicine and medical ethics in 19th century Britain. Bartrip, Peter: Secret remedies, medical ethics, and the finances of the British Medical Journal. Smith, Russell G.: Legal precedent and medical ethics: Some problems encountered by the General Medical Council in relying upon precedent when declaring acceptable standards of professional conduct.

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Authors & Contributors
Crowther, M. Anne
Dupree, Marguerite Wright
Peterson, M. Jeanne
Bashford, Alison
Bradley, James G.
Brock, William H.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Journal of Historical Sociology
Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences
Medical History
Social History of Medicine
Society for the Social History of Medicine Bulletin
University of Iowa
University of Michigan
University of Pennsylvania
Gill & Macmillan
St. Martin's Press
Research institutes; research stations
Burdon Sanderson, John Scott
Hodgkins, Thomas George
Jex-Blake, Sophia
Wordsworth, William
Time Periods
19th century
British Isles
Oxford University
Royal Institution of Great Britain
Smithsonian Institution

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