Baker, Robert B. (Editor)
Description Contents: Baker, Robert: An introduction to the Boston medical police of 1808. Baker, Robert: The historical context of the American Medical Association's 1847 Code of Ethics. Reiser, Stanley Joel: Creating a medical profession in the United States: The first Code of Ethics of the American Medical Association. Beauchamp, Tom L.: Worthington Hooker on ethics in clinical medicine. Veatch, Robert M.: Diverging traditions: Professional and religious medical ethics of the 19th century. Burns, Chester: Reciprocity in the development of Anglo-American medical ethics, 1765-1865. Bartrip, Peter: An introduction to Jukes Styrap's A code of medical ethics (1878). Crowther, M. Anne: Forensic medicine and medical ethics in 19th century Britain. Bartrip, Peter: Secret remedies, medical ethics, and the finances of the British Medical Journal. Smith, Russell G.: Legal precedent and medical ethics: Some problems encountered by the General Medical Council in relying upon precedent when declaring acceptable standards of professional conduct.
Review Maio, G. (1999) Review of "The codification of medical morality: Historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of western medical morality in the 18th and 19th centuries". NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin (pp. 58-60).
Review Maio, G. (1999) Review of "The codification of medical morality: Historical and philosophical studies of the formalization of western medical morality in the 18th and 19th centuries". Revue d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 157-59).
Peterson, M. Jeanne;
Specialist journals and professional rivalries in Victorian medicine
Bashford, Alison;
Purity and pollution: Gender, embodiment, and Victorian medicine
Davies, Owen;
Cunning-folk in the medical market-place during the 19th century
Kahana, Anne P.;
Illness, health, and the Romantic subject: An intergeneric study
Waddington, Ivan;
The medical profession in the Industrial Revolution
Underhill, Paul;
Alternative views of science in intra-professional conflict: General practitioners and the medical and surgical elite 1815-58
Dupree, Marguerite;
Bradley, James;
Crowther, Anne;
Micros and medical students: Sources and methods for exploring the educational careers and completion rates of Scottish medical students in the late 19th century
Metz, Nancy Aycock;
“To understand such wretchedness”: Dickens and public health
Peterson, M. Jeanne;
The medical profession in mid-Victorian London
Crowther, Anne;
Dupree, Marguerite;
The invisible general practitioner: The careers of Scottish medical students in the late 19th century
Vrettos, Athena;
“In sickness and in health”: Victorian fictions of disease
Swenson, Kristine L.;
Treating a sick culture: Victorian fiction of medical women
Thesis Evans, C.J. Grimley; Divine providence and disease: A study of changing religious ideas in 19th-century England (/p/isis/citation/CBB001563087/)
Loudon, Irvine;
“I'd rather have been a Parish surgeon than a Union one.”
Brock, William H.;
Thomas George Hodgkins (1803-92) and the future of research at the Royal Institution (London) and the Smithsonian Institution (Washington)
Crowther, M. A.;
Paupers or patients? Obstacles to professionalization in the Poor Law Medical Service before 1914
Lawrence, Susan C.;
Entrepreneurs and private enterprise: The development of medical lecturing in London, 1775-1820
Woods, Robert;
Physician, heal thyself: The health and mortality of Victorian doctors
Romano, Terrie M.;
Gentlemanly versus scientific ideals: John Burdon Sanderson, medical education, and the failure of the Oxford School of Physiology
Roberts, Shirley;
Sophia Jex-Blake: A woman pioneer in 19th-century medical reform
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