Book ID: CBB000069130

Proceedings of the eleventh International Scientific Instrument Symposium, Bologna University, Italy, 9-14 September 1991. Edited by Dragoni, Giorgio, McConnell, Anita and Turner, Gerard L'E. (1994)


International Scientific Instrument Symposium (Author)

Publication date: 1994

Publication Date: 1994
Physical Details: 256 pp.; illus.; notes

Description Contents: Hall, A. Rupert: The contributions of science and technology to the design of early optical elements. Jacomy, Bruno: Scientific instruments as technical objects for science. Sepper, Dennis L.: Showing, doing and the ontology of using scientific instruments. Ron, Moshe: The instruments of the alchemists. Johnston, Stephen: The carpenter's rule: Instruments, practitioners, and artisans in 16th century England. Anderson, R.G.W.: A source for 18th century chemical glass. Morrison-Low, A.: The road to ruin?: Bankruptcy and some legal consequences for the instrument maker in 19th century Britain. Clifton, Gloria: The growth of the British scientific instrument trade, 1600-1850. Wetton, Jenny: Scientific instrument making in Manchester, 1790-1870. Amelin, Olov: Daniel Ekström: Maker of scientific instruments in 18th century Sweden. Talas, Sofia: The physical cabinets in Geneva at the end of the 18th century. Andersen, Hemming: Some important instruments and instrument makers in Denmark. Schillinger, Klaus: The development of the collections of scientific intruments of the Mathematical-Physical Salon between the years 1750 and 1850 and their use for research and teaching. Brenni, Paolo: Soleil-Duboscq-Pellin: A dynasty of 19th century scientific instrument makers. McConnell, Anita: Instruments for South America. Ranea, Alberto G.: Origin and (mis)fortune of the collection of scientific instruments of the Department of Physics, La Plata, Argentina. Boschi, Enzo, Ferrari, Graziano: European seismology looks back: Two projects to recover the historical roots of the science of earthquakes. Evans, Rand B.: The just noticeable difference: Psychophysical instrumentation and the determination of sensory thresholds. Davis, Audrey, Merzbach, Uta: The role of the polarimeter in the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus: Biot's bequest to 19th century medical saccharimetry. D'Agostino, Salvatore: The fundamental role of absolute instruments in the evolution of classical electrodynamics: Thomson's absolute electrometer. Débarbat, Suzanne, Grillot, Solange: Current research use of a historical instrument: The “photomètre à oeil-de-chat” designed by André Danjon. Kipnis, Nahum: 18th century instruments in the classroom. Lanzarini, Viviana: Bologna University museums: An outstanding cultural heritage. Todesco, Piero: The physics laboratories of the ecclesiastical colleges. Ferrari, Graziano: The origin and development of a method of measurement in early seismology. Dragoni, Giorgio: Lord George Cowper's 18th century cabinet of physics. Grandi, Maura: School, society and economy: The Museo Laboratorio Aldini Valeriani and its collections, 1842-1911. Parisini, Alessandra: Cataloguing and historical research: An example of the activity of the Museo Laboratorio Aldini Valeriani. Proverbio, Edoardo, Tucci, Pasquale: From reflectors to refractors: The evolution of Giovan Battista Amici, constructor of astronomical instruments. Ricci, Maria Basso, Tucci, Pasquale: Gauss's magnetometer at Brera Astronomical Obervatory. Boato, Giovanni, Bruzzaniti, Giovanni, Robotti, Nadia: Experimental physics in Genoa during the 19th century. Galloni, Marco: Scientific instrument makers working in Piedmont in the 18th and 19th centuries. Carazza, Bruno, Mayneri, M. Ceriana: The “inventario delle machine...” found at Turin University. Faraggiana, Giorgio, Sassi, Luisa: Teaching instruments and collections from the 19th century to the present: The example of the 19th century construction model collection of the Regia Scuola di Applicazione for engineers of Turin. Chierego, Nedda, Angelini, Alessandra: Upgrading and utilization of historical instruments: Experience in a secondary technical school. Franchini, Laura: Research on old physics instruments in some Neapolitan schools and their place in present teaching methodology. Ruggiero, Livio, Bernardini, Paolo, Rossi, Arcangelo: Nineteenth century instruments for the teaching of physics at Lecce.

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Authors & Contributors
Behrends, Elke
Brinkmann, Richard
Butt, Nasim
Cartwright, Nancy
Critchlow, Keith
Feingold, Mordechai
Clio: Interdisciplinary Journal of Literature, History, and the Philosophy of History
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences
Mitteilungen, Gauss- Gesellschaft E.V. Göttingen
Nature and System
Cambridge University Press
Dick Coutinho
Grey Seal
Milkweed Editions
International relations
Philosophy of science
Explanation; hypotheses; theories
Boscovich, Ruggiero Giuseppe
Descartes, René
Guimarães, Rodolfo Ferreira Dias
Pickering, Edward Charles
Gauss, Carl Friedrich
Time Periods
19th century
17th century
18th century
20th century
British Isles
Citizen Band Potawatomi Indian Tribe of Oklahoma

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