Book ID: CBB000066747

Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics (1993)


Science History
Publication date: 1993

Publication Date: 1993
Edition Details: Lindqvist, Svante, editor; Hedin, Marika and Kaiserfeld, Thomas, associate editors.
Physical Details: lv + 516 pp.; illus.; notes; bibl.; index

Description Contents: Lindqvist, Svante: Introductory essay: Harry Martinson and the periphery of the atom. Jonsson, Kjell: Physics as culture: Science and Weltanschauung in inter-war Sweden. Gieser, Suzanne: Philosophy and modern physics in Sweden: C.W. Oseen, Oskar Klein, and the intellectual traditions of Uppsala and Lund, 1920-1940. Amelin, Olov: Physics as ideology: Svante Arrhenius as a writer of popular science. Larsson, Ulf: Physics in a stronghold of engineering: Professorial appointments at the Royal Institute of Technology, 1922-1985. Wråkberg, Urban: Where science turns into sports and politics: The decline of Swedish polar research in the early 20th century. Widmalm, Sven: Big science in a small country: Sweden and CERN II. Weinberger, Hans: Physics in uniform: The Swedish Institute of Military Physics, 1939-1945. Nybom, Thorsten: The socialization of science: Technical research and the natural sciences in Swedish research policy in the 1930s and 1940s. Lindström, Stefan: Implementing the welfare state: The emergence of Swedish atomic energy research policy. Hufbauer, Karl: Breakthrough on the periphery: Bengt Edlén and the identification of the coronal lines, 1939-1945. Fridlund, Mats: International acclaim and Swedish obscurity: The fall and rise of David Enskog. Hamilton, Paul C.: Reaching out: Janne Rydberg's struggle for recognition. Stawström, Carl-Olov: Relative acceptance: The introduction and reception of Einstein's theories in Sweden 1905-1965. Kaiserfeld, Thomas: When theory addresses experiment: The Siegbahn-Sommerfeld correspondence, 1917-1940. Lundgren, Anders: The ideological use of instrumentation: The Svedberg, atoms, and the structure of matter. Elzen, Boelie: The failure of a successful artifact: The Svedberg ultracentrifuge. Hå rd, Mikael: Technological drift in science: Swedish radio astronomy in the making, 1942-1976. Kay, Lily E.: The intellectual politics of laboratory technology: The protein network and the Tiselius apparatus. Marelius, Anders, Noreland, Erik: The proud tower: Knut Å ngström and the international style of fin de siècle physics buildings. Bond-Fahlberg, Margareta: Bibliography of the history of 20th-century Swedish physics.

Reviewed By

Review Hentschel, K. (1996) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences (pp. 167-69). unapi

Review Abbri, F. (1994) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". Nuncius: Annali di Storia della Scienza (pp. 907-9). unapi

Review Friedman, R.M. (1994) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". Isis: International Review Devoted to the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences (pp. 350-51). unapi

Review Kragh, H. (1994) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". Lychnos (pp. 279-81). unapi

Review Hessenbruch, A. (1995) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". British Journal for the History of Science (pp. 246-47). unapi

Review Aaserud, F. (1994) Review of "Center on the periphery: Historical aspects of 20th-century Swedish physics". Science (pp. 1633-34). unapi

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Authors & Contributors
Carnap, Rudolf
Damböck, Christian
Beattie, James
Behrends, Elke
Cain, Victoria
Cooper, Jill E.
Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Genèses: Sciences Sociales et Histoire
Historia Mathematica
NTM: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der Naturwissenschaften, Technik und Medizin
Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies
Physis: Rivista Internazionale di Storia della Scienza
Felix Meiner Verlag
University of California Press
Manchester University Press
Palgrave Macmillan
The MIT Press
Science and politics
Philosophy of science
International relations
Technology and art
Carnap, Rudolf
Bichat, Marie François Xavier
Einstein, Albert
McClelland, David Clarence
Bernd Becher
Stevens, G.R. (1892-1975)
Time Periods
20th century
19th century
21st century
18th century
20th century, late
United States
Vienna Circle
Canadian National Railways

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