Description Contents: Star, Susan Leigh: Introduction. Croissant, Jennifer, Restivo, Sal: Science, social problems, and progressive thought: Essays on the tyranny of science. Star, Susan Leigh: The politics of formal representations: Wizards, gurus, and organizational complexity. Kling, Rob, Iacono, C. Suzanne: Computerization movements and the mobilization of support for computerization. Woolgar, Steve: Representation, cognition, and self: What hope for an integration of psychology and sociology? Clarke, Adele E.: Research materials and reproductive science in the United States, 1910-1940. Lynch, Michael: Laboratory space and the technological complex: An investigation of topical contextures. Latour, Bruno: Mixing humans and nonhumans together: The sociology of a door-closer. Law, John, Callon, Michel: Engineering and sociology in a military aircraft project: A network analysis of technological change. Fujimura, Joan H.: Ecologies of action: Recombining genes, molecularizing cancer, and transforming biology.
Chapter Clarke, Adele E. (1995) Research materials and reproductive science in the United States, 1910-1940. In: Ecologies of knowledge: Work and politics in science and technology (p. 183).
Yearley, Steven;
Science and sociological practice
Cozzens, Susan E.;
Gieryn, Thomas F.;
Theories of science and society
Stengers, Isabelle;
Sciences et pouvoirs: La démocratie face à la technoscience
Massimiliano Simons;
Bruno Latour and the Secularization of Science
Kannegiesser, H.J.;
Knowledge and science
Essay Review
Clarke, D.M.;
Epistemology and the sociology of scientific knowledge
Knorr-Cetina, Karin D.;
Mulkay, Michael;
Science observed: Perspectives on the social study of science
Douglas, Mary;
Essays in the sociology of perception
Woolgar, Steve;
Knowledge and reflexivity: New frontiers in the sociology of knowledge
Le relativisme est-il résistible? Regards sur la sociologie des sciences. Actes du Colloque international “La sociologie de la connaissance scientifique: Bilan et perspectives”, Université de Paris-Sorbonne 21-23 janvier 1993
Hronszky, Imre;
Dajka, Balázs;
Scientific knowledge socialized: Selected proceedings of the 5th joint international conference on the history and philosophy of science organized by the IUHPS, Veszprém, 1984
Brante, Thomas;
Fuller, Steve;
Lynch, William;
Controversial science: From content to contention
Callon, Michel;
Law, John;
Rip, Arie;
Mapping the dynamics of science and technology: Sociology of science in the real world
Chubin, Daryl E.;
Chu, Ellen W.;
Science off the pedestal: Social perspectives on science and technology
Hahn, Roger;
New directions in the social history of science
Fleck, Ludwik;
Genesis and development of a scientific fact. Edited by Trenn, Thaddeus J. and Merton, Robert K., translated by Frederick Bradley and Trenn, Thaddeus J.. Foreword by Thomas S. Kuhn
Yearley, Steven;
The relationship between epistemological and sociological cognitive interests: Some ambiguities underlying the use of interest theory in the study of scientific knowledge
Knorr-Cetina, Karin D.;
The manufacture of knowledge: An essay on the constructivist and contextual nature of science. Preface by Rom Harré
Cotgrove, Stephen;
Styles of thought: Science, romanticism, and modernization
De Mey, Marc;
The cognitive paradigm: Cognitive science, a newly explored approach to the study of cognition applied in an analysis of science and scientific knowledge
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