Article ID: CBB000017489

The roots of the vitalism of Xavier Bichat (1975)


Haigh, Elizabeth (Author)

Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Volume: 49
Pages: 72-86
Publication date: 1975

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Authors & Contributors
Huneman, Philippe
Albury, William Randall
Barbara, Jean-Gaël
di Palo, Lucia
Dobo, Nicolas
Forrester, John M.
Bulletin of the History of Medicine
Études Philosophiques
Études Anglaises, Grande-Bretagne-États-Unis
History of Science
科学史研究 Kagakusi Kenkyu (History of Science)
Korean Journal of Medical History
University of Chicago
Princeton University
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
Cacucci Editore
Palgrave Macmillan
Human physiology
Bichat, Marie François Xavier
Magendie, François
Haller, Albrecht von
Bernard, Claude
Barthez, Paul Joseph
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de
Time Periods
18th century
19th century
20th century
16th century
17th century
20th century, late

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