ID: CBA944109558

Photography of railroads

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Article Hugo Silveira Pereira (2023)
The Camera and the Railway: Framing the Portuguese Empire and Technological Landscapes in Angola and Mozambique, 1880s–1910s. Technology and Culture (pp. 737-759). (/p/isis/citation/CBB732384908/) unapi

Book Lothes, Scott; Alexander Craighead (2022)
Continuity and Change: The Lure of North American Railroads. (/p/isis/citation/CBB217005109/) unapi

Book Alexander Craghead; Lothes, Scott (2022)
Continuity & change: the lure of North American railroads. (/p/isis/citation/CBB950085443/) unapi

Book David Houston (2021)
Southern Pacific 1930s to 1950s: Los Angeles to Bakersfield - The story behind the pictures. (/p/isis/citation/CBB690378371/) unapi

Book Ian Wilson; Harwood, Herbert H., Jr. (2021)
Speed Graphics and Steam 1959!: Herb Harwood tracks steam in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. (/p/isis/citation/CBB665602724/) unapi

Book Derek Hayes (2019)
Iron Road West: An Illustrated History of British Columbia's Railways. (/p/isis/citation/CBB201225666/) unapi

Book David Houston (2019)
Southern Pacific, 1960s to 1980s. Volume One -- Sacramento to Sparks. The Story behind the picture. (/p/isis/citation/CBB357105356/) unapi

Book Center for Railroad Photography and Art (2019)
After Promontory : one hundred and fifty years of transcontinental railroading. (/p/isis/citation/CBB342950322/) unapi

Book George W. Hamlin (2019)
Auto Train in Color. (/p/isis/citation/CBB207395247/) unapi

Book Art Peterson (2019)
Classic Railroad Scenes: 45 Years of Rare Color Photos. (/p/isis/citation/CBB792784031/) unapi

Book Michael M. Bartels; James J, Reisdorff (2019)
The Omaha Road in Nebraska: Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha: Featuring the Railroad Photographs of H. F. Braden. (/p/isis/citation/CBB749700033/) unapi

Book Kevin P. Keefe (2019)
The Railroad Photography of J. Parker Lamb. (/p/isis/citation/CBB397698399/) unapi

Book Peter Waller (2018)
England's Railway Heritage from the Air. (/p/isis/citation/CBB171186735/) unapi

Book Thornton H. Waite (2018)
The Milwaukee Road to the Pacific Northwest: The Pacific Extension Photography of John W. Barriger III. (/p/isis/citation/CBB015459350/) unapi

Book John Gruber (2018)
Beebe & Clegg: Their Enduring Photographic Legacy. (/p/isis/citation/CBB645873908/) unapi

Book Tony Reevy (2018)
The Railroad Photography of Lucius Beebe and Charles Clegg. (/p/isis/citation/CBB983329195/) unapi

Book Jeff S. Asay (2018)
The Iron Feather: A Corporate History of the Western Pacific and Sacramento Northern Railroads. (/p/isis/citation/CBB682484426/) unapi

Book Jennifer B. Bodine (2018)
Trains: Photography of A. Aubrey Bodine. (/p/isis/citation/CBB085428479/) unapi

Book Ian Wilson (2018)
Speed Graphics and Steam 1957: Rehor, Wood, and Harwood Photograph the Branchlines of Ontario. (/p/isis/citation/CBB672291940/) unapi

Book Nicholas Fry; Gregory Smith; Elizabeth Davis-Young (2018)
The Steam and Diesel Era in Wheeling, West Virginia. (/p/isis/citation/CBB222136160/) unapi


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